Category - Hosting-website

Understanding and Creating Sitemaps for Your Website
Mar 14, 2024

Introduction:  A sitemap is a crucial element in optimizing your website for search engines. It serves as a roadmap, guiding search engine crawlers through the various pages and content on your site. In this blog post, we'll delve into what sitemaps are, how they are used, and provide step-by-step guidance on creating one. Additionally, we'll explore an alternative method using online sitemap generators.  What is a Sitemap?  A sitemap is essentially a file that provides information about the structure and content of your website to search engines. It lists URLs and includes additional metadata such as the last modification date, change frequency, and priority of each page. The primary purpose is to help search engine bots crawl and index your site more efficiently.  How is a Sitemap Used?  1. Improved Crawling:     Search engines use sitemaps to discover and understand the organization of your website. This aids in more efficient crawling, ensuring that no important pages are missed.  2. Enhanced Indexing:    By providing metadata like the last modification date and change frequency, sitemaps help search engines prioritize and index pages based on their relevance and importance.  3. SEO Benefits:    Having a well-structured sitemap can positively impact your site's search engine optimization (SEO), potentially leading to better visibility in search results.  How to Create a Sitemap:  1. Understand Your Website Structure:  Before creating a sitemap, familiarize yourself with your site's structure, including main pages, categories, and any dynamic content.  2. Choose a Sitemap Generation Method:  Manual Method: Use a text editor to create an XML file, including URLs, last modification dates, etc.  CMS Plugin: If you use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, leverage plugins such as Yoast SEO or Google XML Sitemaps.  Online Sitemap Generator: Use online tools like or Screaming Frog to automatically generate a sitemap.  3. Include Relevant Information:  For each URL, include the `<loc>` (URL), `<lastmod>` (last modification date), `<changefreq>` (change frequency), and `<priority>` (priority) tags.  4. Save and Upload:  Save the XML file with a ".xml" extension (e.g., "sitemap.xml"). Upload it to your website's root directory using FTP or your hosting provider's file manager.  5. Submit to Search Engines:  Submit your sitemap to search engines using their webmaster tools (e.g., Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools).  Alternative Method: Using Online Sitemap Generator:  1. Choose a Tool:  Select an online sitemap generator such as or Screaming Frog.  2. Enter Your Website URL:  Input your website's URL into the generator.     3. Generate and Download:     Click the "Generate" or "Crawl" button to initiate the process.  Once complete, download the generated sitemap file.     4. Upload and Submit:  Upload the downloaded file to your website's root directory and submit it to search engines.    Conclusion:  Creating and submitting a sitemap is a fundamental step in optimizing your website for search engines. Whether you opt for manual creation or use online generators, a well-structured sitemap can significantly contribute to better search engine visibility and improved SEO. Regularly update and submit your sitemap to ensure that search engines stay informed about changes to your site's content. 

Hosting a .NET Application on IIS Server
Jan 29, 2024

Hosting your .NET application on an IIS (Internet Information Services) server allows it to be accessed and consumed over the internet by users. IIS is commonly used to host .NET applications and web APIs.  Before you can host the application, ensure you have the following:  A .NET web application or API built (for example using ASP.NET Core)  A Windows Server machine with IIS installed and configured  Permissions to remotely access the server over a network    Follow this step-by-step guide to deploy your .NET Application on the IIS Server seamlessly.  Step 1: Open your .NET Application in Visual Studio  Open your application or project in Visual Studio and build the application.    Step 2 : Publish the Application or project.  Now, Right-click on your project and select the publish option.  Here, select the folder and then click on next, and finish the publish setup.  Now, Click on the publish button to publish your code to one folder.  After, publishing is succeeded click on the open folder. You will see your published code in this folder.    Step 3: Configure IIS on the Server  Carry out these steps to prepare IIS for hosting the application. If IIS is not installed in your system, then first install the IIS on your machine.  Open IIS Manager on the Windows Server  Right-click on the Sites folder and click Add Website                    3. Provide a name for the website, Set the physical path to the app folder, and select a port where you want to host the application.                    4. Click OK to create the new IIS website.   Step 4: Publish code to IIS Server.  Now stop the website and open the folder that you have given in the Physical path while configuring it, by right-clicking on your website and selecting explore.  Now, copy all the published files into your server folder.  Once all the files are copied into the publish folder Start the website and click on Browse*: {Your port} (http) under browse website.  you will see the output of your code on the server.  If your project is based on MVC then Recycle Application pool is required. You can find your Application pool under the Application Pool section. Right-click on your website app pool and click on recycle. Conclusion: Hosting the application on IIS allows it to be reached by users from over the network and the internet. It handles request routing and security layers for serving the application.