Category - SQL-Server

Seamless Migration: On-Premise Report Server to Azure SQL Managed Instance
Apr 22, 2024

Introduction The migration of an on-premise report server to Azure SQL Managed Instance requires strategic planning and meticulous execution. This transition offers numerous benefits, including scalability, reliability, and reduced maintenance overhead. In this blog, we'll explore the essential steps involved in migrating an on-premise report server to Azure SQL Managed Instance, ensuring a seamless transition for your organization.   Understanding Azure SQL Managed Instance Before diving into the migration process, let's briefly understand Azure SQL Managed Instance. It is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) offering from Microsoft Azure, providing near-complete compatibility with on-premise SQL Server. Managed Instance offers features like automatic patching, automated backups, and built-in high availability, making it an attractive option for hosting SQL Server workloads in the cloud.   Pre-Requisites 1. Azure SQL Managed Instance 2. SQL Server User Account – Using to connect Azure SQL Managed Instance 3. Azure Virtual Machine   Configure Azure SQL Managed Instance 1. Go to Azure Portal and search for Azure SQL Managed Instance. 2. Set up the username and password, it will require connecting from SSMS and SSRS later. 3. Set up the required configuration. 4. Create the Azure SQL. 5. Create a new database (optional). 6. Open SSMS and verify the instance connection with SQL Server Authentication by entering a username and password of #2. 7. If it’s connecting successfully then we have configured Azure SQL Managed Instance correctly.   Configure Azure Virtual Machine 1. Go to Azure Portal and search for Virtual Machine. 2. Select the Windows Operating System and set up the required configurations. 3. Create a Virtual Machine and connect via RDP.   Install SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) in Azure VM 1. Connect your Azure VM using RDP. 2. Download the 2022 SSRS installer - Click here to download 3. Launch the installer of 2022 SSRS. 4. Choose Install Reporting Services and click Next. 5. Choose the appropriate Edition to match your licensing. Once selected choose Next. 6. Now you will want to accept the license and click Next. 7. Choose Install Reporting Services Only and click Next. 8. Change the Installation Location to a path of your choice, if you would like, then click Install. 9. Open Report Server Configuration Manager and click on Connect. 10. Start the Report Service if it’s not started.   Connect On-Premises SQL Server 1. Connect to your on-premises SQL Server. 2. Take a backup of your ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases. 3. After successfully backup of both databases, upload it to Azure Blob Storage.   Connect Azure SQL Managed Instance in SSMS 1. Connect your Azure SQL Managed Instance with your credentials. 2. Generate SAS Token to access Azure Blob Storage account. 3. Create new Credentials in SQL Managed Instance. CREATE CREDENTIAL [AZURE BLOB URL WITH CONTAINER/FOLDER] WITH IDENTITY = 'SHARED ACCESS SIGNATURE', SECRET = 'SAS TOKEN' ; GO 4. Restore ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB Databases RESTORE DATABASE ReportServer FROM URL = 'AZURE BLOB URL OF DATABASE BACKUP FILE' ; GO RESTORE DATABASE ReportServerTempDB FROM URL = 'AZURE BLOB URL OF DATABASE BACKUP FILE' ; GO 5. Delete old record from ReportServer.dbo.Keys table based on MachineName or InstanceName. (DELETE ReportServer.[dbo].[Keys] WHERE MachineName = 'OLD MACHINE NAME') 6. To view all subscriptions in the new server execute the below query. DECLARE @OldUserID uniqueidentifier DECLARE @NewUserID uniqueidentifier SELECT @OldUserID = UserID FROM dbo.Users WHERE UserName = 'OLD SERVER NAME WITH USER' SELECT @NewUserID = UserID FROM dbo.Users WHERE UserName = 'NEW SERVER NAME WITH USER' UPDATE dbo.Subscriptions SET OwnerID = @NewUserID WHERE OwnerID = @OldUserID 7. Restart SQL Server Reporting Service. 8. Open the Report Server in the browser to verify all the Reports and Subscriptions.   Configure SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) in Azure VM 1. Connect your Azure VM using RDP. 2. Open Report Server Configuration Manager and click on Connect. 3. Start the Report Service if it’s not started. 4. Go to Database and click on Change Database. 5. Choose existing database option and click on Next. 6. Enter the database connection information of Azure SQL Managed Instance, Test the connection and click on Next. – IMPORTANT 7. Inside credentials, choose SQL Server Credentials option and, enter username and password of  Azure SQL Managed Instance and click on Next. 8. Please verify the SQL Server Instance Name and other details in Summary and click on Next. 9. Click on Finish. 10. In Report Configuration Manager and select Web Service URL, then click Apply. 11. Go to Web Portal URL, then click Apply. 12. Go to E-mail Settings, update your email settings to send report subscription emails. 13. Open browser and enter your report server Web Portal URL.

Understanding the Difference Between LINQ and Stored Procedures
Mar 20, 2024

Introduction  In the world of database management and querying, two commonly used methods are Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and Stored Procedures. Both serve the purpose of retrieving and manipulating data from databases, but they differ significantly in their approach and implementation. In this blog post, we'll delve into the disparities between LINQ and Stored Procedures to help you understand when to use each. 1. Conceptual Differences:    - LINQ Example:  var query = from p in db.Products                  where p.Category == "Electronics"                  select p;            foreach (var product in query)      {          Console.WriteLine(product.Name);      } In this LINQ example, we're querying a collection of products from a database context (`db.Products`). The LINQ query selects all products belonging to the "Electronics" category.    - Stored Procedures Example: CREATE PROCEDURE GetElectronicsProducts      AS BEGIN     SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Category = 'Electronics' END Here, we've created a Stored Procedure named `GetElectronicsProducts` that retrieves all products in the "Electronics" category from the `Products` table. 2. Performance:    - LINQ: LINQ queries are translated into SQL queries at runtime by the LINQ provider. While LINQ provides a convenient and intuitive way to query data, the performance might not always be optimal, especially for complex queries or large datasets.    - Stored Procedures: Stored Procedures are precompiled and optimized on the database server, leading to potentially better performance compared to dynamically generated LINQ queries. They can leverage indexing and caching mechanisms within the database, resulting in faster execution times. 3. Maintenance and Deployment:    - LINQ: LINQ queries are embedded directly within the application code, making them easier to maintain and deploy alongside the application itself. However, changes to LINQ queries often require recompilation and redeployment of the application.    - Stored Procedures: Stored Procedures are maintained separately from the application code and are stored within the database. This separation of concerns allows for easier maintenance and updates to the database logic without impacting the application code. Additionally, Stored Procedures can be reused across multiple applications. 4. Security:    - LINQ: LINQ queries are susceptible to SQL injection attacks if proper precautions are not taken. Parameterized LINQ queries can mitigate this risk to some extent, but developers need to be vigilant about input validation and sanitation.    - Stored Procedures: Stored Procedures can enhance security by encapsulating database logic and preventing direct access to underlying tables. They provide a layer of abstraction that can restrict users' access to only the operations defined within the Stored Procedure, reducing the risk of unauthorized data access or modification. Conclusion: In summary, both LINQ and Stored Procedures offer distinct advantages and considerations when it comes to querying databases. LINQ provides a more integrated and developer-friendly approach, while Stored Procedures offer performance optimization, maintainability, and security benefits. The choice between LINQ and Stored Procedures depends on factors such as application requirements, performance considerations, and security concerns. Understanding the differences between the two methods can help developers make informed decisions when designing database interactions within their applications.

A Comprehensive Guide to Microsoft SQL Server Database Migration
Feb 07, 2024

Introduction Migrating Microsoft SQL Server databases from one server to another is a critical task that requires careful planning and execution. Overseeing this migration project, it's essential to have a detailed checklist to ensure a smooth and successful transition. In this blog, we will explore the key steps involved in migrating SQL Server databases and provide a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process.   Checklist for SQL Server Database Migration 1. Assessment and Planning: Database Inventory: Identify all databases to be migrated. Document database sizes, configurations, and dependencies. Compatibility Check: Verify the compatibility of SQL Server versions. Check for deprecated features or components. Backup Strategy: Ensure full backups of all databases are taken before migration. Confirm the backup and restore processes are working correctly.   2. Server Environment Preparation: Server Infrastructure: Verify that the new server meets hardware and software requirements. Install the necessary SQL Server version on the new server. Security Considerations: Plan for server-level security, including logins and permissions. Transfer relevant security configurations from the old server. Firewall and Networking: Update firewall rules to allow communication between old and new servers. Confirm network configurations to avoid connectivity issues.   3. Database Schema and Data Migration: Schema Scripting: Generate scripts for database schema (tables, views, stored procedures, etc.). Validate the scripts in a test environment. Data Migration: Choose an appropriate method for data migration (Backup and Restore, Detach and Attach, or SQL Server Integration Services - SSIS). Perform a trial data migration to identify and address potential issues.??????? Restore Strategy: Ensure full backups of all databases are available on the new server. Restore databases and confirm the processes are working correctly.   4. Application and Dependency Testing: Application Compatibility: Test the application with the new SQL Server to ensure compatibility. Address any issues related to SQL Server version changes. Dependency Verification: Confirm that linked servers, jobs, database mail, and maintenance plans are updated. Test connectivity to other applications relying on the database.   5. Post-Migration Validation: Data Integrity Check: Execute DBCC CHECKDB to ensure the integrity of the migrated databases. Address any issues identified during the integrity check. Performance Testing: Conduct performance testing to ensure the new server meets performance expectations. Optimize queries or configurations if needed. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Involve end-users in testing to validate the functionality of the migrated databases. Address any user-reported issues promptly.     Conclusion A successful Microsoft SQL Server database migration requires meticulous planning, thorough testing, and effective communication. Following this comprehensive checklist will help ensure a smooth transition from one server to another while minimizing disruptions to business operations. Regularly communicate with your team and stakeholders throughout the migration process to address any challenges promptly and ensure a successful outcome. Download Checklist for MSSQL Server Migration

List all constraints of a particular table - SQL Server
Jan 28, 2024

If you want to have a list of constraints applied on a particular table in the SQL server, this will help you to get it in one go.   DECLARE @TABLENAME VARCHAR(50) = '<table_name>' SELECT ObjectName     ,TypeOfObject     ,TypeOfConstraint     ,ConstraintName     ,ConstraintDescription FROM (     SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name] AS ObjectName         ,CASE              WHEN t.[type] = 'U'                 THEN 'Table'             WHEN t.[type] = 'V'                 THEN 'View'             END AS [TypeOfObject]         ,CASE              WHEN c.[type] = 'PK'                 THEN 'Primary key'             WHEN c.[type] = 'UQ'                 THEN 'Unique constraint'             WHEN i.[type] = 1                 THEN 'Unique clustered index'             WHEN i.type = 2                 THEN 'Unique index'             END AS TypeOfConstraint         ,ISNULL(c.[name], i.[name]) AS ConstraintName         ,SUBSTRING(column_names, 1, LEN(column_names) - 1) AS [ConstraintDescription]     FROM sys.objects t     LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.object_id = i.object_id     LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.key_constraints c ON i.object_id = c.parent_object_id         AND i.index_id = c.unique_index_id     CROSS APPLY (         SELECT col.[name] + ', '         FROM sys.index_columns ic         INNER JOIN sys.columns col ON ic.object_id = col.object_id             AND ic.column_id = col.column_id         WHERE ic.object_id = t.object_id             AND ic.index_id = i.index_id         ORDER BY col.column_id         FOR XML path('')         ) D(column_names)     WHERE is_unique = 1         AND = @TABLENAME         AND t.is_ms_shipped <> 1          UNION ALL          SELECT schema_name(fk_tab.schema_id) + '.' + AS foreign_table         ,'Table'         ,'Foreign key'         , AS fk_ConstraintName         ,cols.[name] + ' REFERENCES ' + schema_name(pk_tab.schema_id) + '.' + + ' (' + c2.[name] + ')'     FROM sys.foreign_keys fk     INNER JOIN sys.tables fk_tab ON fk_tab.object_id = fk.parent_object_id     INNER JOIN sys.tables pk_tab ON pk_tab.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id     INNER JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns fk_cols ON fk_cols.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id     INNER JOIN sys.columns cols ON cols.object_id = fk_cols.parent_object_id AND cols.column_id = fk_cols.parent_column_id     INNER JOIN sys.columns c2 ON c2.object_id = fk_cols.referenced_object_id AND c2.column_id = fk_cols.referenced_column_id     WHERE = @TABLENAME         OR = @TABLENAME          UNION ALL          SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name]         ,'Table'         ,'Check constraint'         ,con.[name] AS ConstraintName         ,con.[definition]     FROM sys.check_constraints con     LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects t ON con.parent_object_id = t.object_id     LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_columns col ON con.parent_column_id = col.column_id         AND con.parent_object_id = col.object_id     WHERE = @TABLENAME          UNION ALL          SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name]         ,'Table'         ,'Default constraint'         ,con.[name]         ,col.[name] + ' = ' + con.[definition]     FROM sys.default_constraints con     LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects t ON con.parent_object_id = t.object_id     LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_columns col ON con.parent_column_id = col.column_id         AND con.parent_object_id = col.object_id     WHERE = @TABLENAME     ) a ORDER BY ObjectName     ,TypeOfConstraint     ,ConstraintName   Output: Enjoy.!

How to Check performance of the SPROC
Jan 27, 2024

Stored procedures are an essential part of database management systems. They are used to execute frequently used queries and reduce the load on the database server. However, if not optimized correctly, they can cause performance issues. In this blog, we will discuss how to check the performance of a stored procedure.  Steps to Check Performance of a SPROC  Identify the SPROC: The first step is to identify the stored procedure that needs to be optimized. You can use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to identify the stored procedure.  Check Execution Time: Once you have identified the stored procedure, you can check its execution time. You can use the SET STATISTICS TIME ON command to check the execution time of the stored procedure.  Check Query Plan: The next step is to check the query plan of the stored procedure. You can use the SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON command to check the query plan.  Check Indexes: Indexes play a crucial role in the performance of a stored procedure. You can use the sp_helpindex command to check the indexes of the stored procedure.  Check for Blocking: Blocking can cause performance issues in a stored procedure. You can use the sp_who2 command to check for blocking.  Check for Deadlocks: Deadlocks can also cause performance issues in a stored procedure. You can use the DBCC TRACEON(1204) command to check for deadlocks.  Examples : Here are some examples to help you understand how to check the performance of a stored procedure:    To Try this queries yourself I am sharing the Table, Data, SP query so you can direct run and perform this queries : -- Step 1: Create a dummy table CREATE TABLE dbo.Orders ( OrderID INT PRIMARY KEY, CustomerID NVARCHAR(10), OrderDate DATETIME, ProductID INT, Quantity INT ); -- Step 2: Insert dummy data into the table INSERT INTO dbo.Orders (OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate, ProductID, Quantity) VALUES (1, N'ALFKI', '2024-01-23', 101, 5), (2, N'ALFKI', '2024-01-24', 102, 3), (3, N'BONAP', '2024-01-25', 103, 7), (4, N'BONAP', '2024-01-26', 104, 2), (5, N'COSME', '2024-01-27', 105, 4); -- Step 3: Create a stored procedure CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_GetOrdersByCustomer @CustomerID NVARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID; END; Example 1: Check Execution Time  SET STATISTICS TIME ON  EXEC dbo.usp_GetOrdersByCustomer @CustomerID = N'ALFKI'  SET STATISTICS TIME OFF  Example 2: Check Query Plan  SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON  EXEC dbo.usp_GetOrdersByCustomer @CustomerID = N'ALFKI'  SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT OFF  Example 3: Check Indexes  EXEC sp_helpindex 'dbo.usp_GetOrdersByCustomer'  Example 4: Check for Blocking  EXEC sp_who2  Example 5: Check for Deadlocks  DBCC TRACEON(1204)    Conclusion  In conclusion, checking the performance of a stored procedure is essential to ensure that it runs efficiently. By following the steps mentioned above, you can identify the performance issues and optimize the stored procedure. I hope this blog helps you in optimizing your stored procedures. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below. 

List all indexes of a particular table - SQL Server
Jan 26, 2024

As in recent work with the client, I got the question of finding the indexes to be applied on a particular table in the SQL server. If you want to have listed all the indexes from a particular table from the SQL server, then now you just have to write your table name in the variable and execute the below query. And see the result.   DECLARE @TABLENAME VARCHAR(50) = '<table_name>' SELECT '[' + + '].[' + + ']' AS 'TableName'     ,+ AS 'IndexName'     ,ind.type_desc AS 'IndexType'     ,STUFF((             SELECT ', [' + + ']' AS "text()"             FROM syscolumns AS sc             INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON ic.object_id =                 AND ic.column_id = sc.colid             WHERE = Obj.object_id                 AND ic.index_id = sind.indid                 AND ic.is_included_column = 0             ORDER BY key_ordinal             FOR XML PATH('')             ), 1, 2, '') AS 'IndexedColumns' FROM sysindexes AS sind INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS ind ON ind.object_id =     AND ind.index_id = sind.indid INNER JOIN sysobjects AS sObj ON = INNER JOIN sys.objects AS Obj ON Obj.object_id =     AND is_ms_shipped = 0 INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON s.schema_id = Obj.schema_id WHERE ind.object_id = OBJECT_ID(@TABLENAME)     AND ind.is_primary_key = 0     AND ind.is_unique = 0     AND ind.is_unique_constraint = 0 ORDER BY TableName     ,IndexName;   Output:

Step-by-Step Guide to Configure Replication on SQL Servers
Jan 12, 2024

Setting up replication in SQL Server can be a powerful way to ensure data consistency and availability across multiple servers. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk through the process of configuring replication on SQL Servers.   Step 1: Understand Replication Types Before diving into configuration, it's crucial to understand the types of replication available in SQL Server.  Snapshot Replication: Takes a snapshot of the data at a specific point in time. Transactional Replication: Replicates changes in real-time as they occur. Merge Replication: Allows bidirectional data synchronization between servers. Choose the replication type that aligns with your specific needs and database architecture.   Step 2: Prepare Your Environment Ensure that your SQL Server environment is ready for replication. This involves verifying that you have the necessary permissions and establishing proper connectivity between the SQL Server instances. Remember that replication involves three key components: Publisher, Distributor, and Subscribers. The Distributor can be on the same server as the Publisher or a separate server.   Step 3: Configure Distributor If a Distributor isn't already set up, proceed to configure one. This involves specifying the server that will act as the Distributor and setting up distribution databases. Use either SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or T-SQL scripts for this configuration.   Step 4: Enable Replication on the Publisher 1. Open SSMS and connect to the Publisher. 2. Right-click on the target database and choose "Tasks" > "Replication" > "Configure Distribution." 3. Follow the wizard, specifying the Distributor configured in Step 3.   Step 5: Choose Articles Define the articles by selecting the tables, views, or stored procedures you want to replicate. This step allows you to fine-tune your replication by specifying data filters, choosing columns to replicate, and configuring additional options based on your specific requirements.   Step 6: Configure Subscribers 1. Connect to the Subscribers in SSMS. 2. Right-click on the Replication folder and choose "Configure Distribution." 3. Follow the wizard, specifying the Distributor and configuring additional settings based on your chosen replication type.   Step 7: Configure Subscription With the Distributor and Subscribers configured, it's time to set up subscriptions. 1. In SSMS, navigate to the Replication folder on the Publisher. 2. Right-click on the Local Publications and choose "New Subscriptions." 3. Follow the wizard to configure the subscription, specifying the Subscribers and defining any additional settings.   Step 8: Monitor and Maintain Regular monitoring and maintenance are essential for a healthy replication environment. - Use the Replication Monitor in SSMS to view the status of publications, subscriptions, and any potential errors. - Implement routine maintenance tasks such as backing up and restoring the replication databases.   Conclusion Configuring replication in SQL Server involves a series of well-defined steps. By understanding your replication needs, preparing your environment, and carefully configuring each component, you can establish a robust and reliable replication setup. Regular monitoring and maintenance ensure the ongoing efficiency and performance of your replication environment.

Azure Databricks CSV to SQL
Apr 14, 2023

In this blog, we will explore Azure Databricks, a cloud-based analytics platform, and how it can be used to parse a CSV file from Azure storage and then store the data in a database. Additionally, we will also learn how to process stream data and use Databricks notebook in Azure Data Pipeline.   Azure Databricks Overview Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark-based analytics platform that provides a collaborative workspace for data scientists, data engineers, and business analysts. It is a cloud-based service that is designed to handle big data and allows users to process data at scale. Databricks also provides tools for data analysis, machine learning, and visualization. With its integration with Azure Storage, Azure Data Factory, and other Azure services, Azure Databricks can be used to build end-to-end data processing pipelines.   Parsing CSV File from Azure BlobStorage to Database using Azure Databricks Azure Databricks can be used to parse CSV files from Azure Storage and then store the data in a database. Here are the steps to accomplish this:   Configure Various Azure Components 1. Create Azure Resource Group Image 1 2. Create Azure DataBricks Resource  Image 2 3. Create SQL Server Resource  Image 3 4. Create SQL Database Resource Image 4 5. Create Azure Storage Account  Image 5 6. Create Azure DataFactory Resource  Image 6 7. Launch Databricks Resource Workspace  Image 7 8. Create Computing Cluster  Image 8 9. Create New Notebook  Image 9   Parsing CSV File from Azure Storage to Database using Azure Databricks Azure Databricks can be used to parse CSV files from Azure Storage and then store the data in a database. Here are the steps to accomplish this: 1. Create a cluster: First, create a cluster in Azure Databricks as above. A cluster is a group of nodes that work together to process data. 2. Import all the necessary models in the databricks notebook  %python from datetime import datetime, timedelta from import BlobServiceClient, generate_blob_sas, BlobSasPermissions import pandas as pd import pymssql import pyspark.sql Code 1 3. Mount Azure Storage: Next, mount the Azure Storage account in Databricks as follows #Configure Blob Connection storage_account_name = "storage" storage_account_access_key="***********************************" blob_container = "blob-container" Code 2 4. Establish The DataBase Connection #DB connection conn = pymssql.connect(server='****************', user='*****', password='*****', database='DataBricksDB') cursor = conn.cursor() Code 3 5. Parse CSV file: Once the storage account is mounted, you can parse the CSV file using the following code #get a list of all blob from the container blob_list = [] for blob_i in container_client.list_blobs(): blob_list.append( # print(blob_list)      df_list = [] #Generate SAS key for each file and load to the dataframe  for blob_i in blob_list:     print(blob_i)     sas_i = generate_blob_sas(account_name = storage_account_name,                              container_name = blob_container,                              blob_name = blob_i,                              account_key = storage_account_access_key,                              permission = BlobSasPermissions(read=True),                              expiry = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=12))       sas_url = 'https://' + storage_account_name +'' + blob_container + '/' +blob_i     print(sas_url)          df=pd.read_csv(sas_url)     df_list.append(df) Code 4 6. Transform and Store data in a database: Finally, you can store the data in a database using the following code #Truncate Table Sales Truncate_Query = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name='sales' and xtype='U') truncate table sales" cursor.execute(Truncate_Query) conn.commit()   # SQL Query For Table Creation create_table_query = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name='sales' and xtype='U') CREATE TABLE sales (REGION  varchar(max),COUNTRY  varchar(max),ITEMTYPE  varchar(max),SALESCHANNEL  varchar(max),ORDERPRIORITY  varchar(max),ORDERDATE  varchar(max),ORDERID  varchar(max),SHIPDATE  varchar(max),UNITSSOLD  varchar(max),UNITPRICE  varchar(max),UNITCOST  varchar(max),TOTALREVENUE  varchar(max),TOTALCOST  varchar(max),TOTALPROFIT  varchar(max))IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name='sales' and xtype='U') CREATE TABLE sales (REGION  varchar(max),COUNTRY  varchar(max),ITEMTYPE  varchar(max),SALESCHANNEL  varchar(max),ORDERPRIORITY  varchar(max),ORDERDATE  varchar(max),ORDERID  varchar(max),SHIPDATE  varchar(max),UNITSSOLD  varchar(max),UNITPRICE  varchar(max),UNITCOST  varchar(max),TOTALREVENUE  varchar(max),TOTALCOST  varchar(max),TOTALPROFIT  varchar(max))" cursor.execute(create_table_query) conn.commit()   #Insert Data From Main DataFrame for rows in df_combined.itertuples(index=False,name=None):     row = str(list(rows))     row_data = row[1:-1]     row_data = row_data.replace("nan","''")     row_data = row_data.replace("None","''") insert_query = "insert into sales (REGION,COUNTRY,ITEMTYPE,SALESCHANNEL,ORDERPRIORITY,ORDERDATE,ORDERID,SHIPDATE,UNITSSOLD,UNITPRICE,UNITCOST,TOTALREVENUE,TOTALCOST,TOTALPROFIT) values ("+row_data+")"     print(insert_query)     cursor.execute(insert_query) conn.commit() Code 5 As, Shown here The data from all the files is loaded to the SQL server Table Image 10   Azure Databricks notebook can be used to process stream data in Azure Data Pipeline. Here are the steps to accomplish this: 1. Create a Databricks notebook: First, create a Databricks notebook in Azure Databricks. A notebook is a web-based interface for working with code and data. 2. Create a job: Next, create a job in Azure Data Factory to execute the notebook. A job is a collection of tasks that can be scheduled and run automatically. 3. Configure the job: In the job settings, specify the Azure Databricks cluster and notebook that you want to use. Also, specify the input and output datasets. 4. Write the code: In the Databricks notebook, write the code to process the stream data. Here is an example code: #from pyspark.sql.functions import window stream_data = spark.readStream \     .format("csv") \     .option("header", "true") \     .schema("<schema>") \     .load("/mnt/<mount-name>/<file-name>.csv")   stream_data = stream_data \     .withWatermark("timestamp", "10 minutes") \     .groupBy(window("timestamp", "10 Code 6   How To Use Azure Databrick notebook in Azure Data Factory pipeline and configure the DataFlow Pipeline Using it. Image 11 1. Create ADF Pipeline  Image 12 2. Configure Data Pipeline  Image 13 3. Add Trigger To the PipeLine  Image 14 4. Configure the trigger  Image 15   These capabilities make Azure Databricks an ideal platform for building real-time data processing solutions. Overall, Azure Databricks provides a scalable and flexible solution for data processing and analytics, and it's definitely worth exploring if you're working with big data on the Azure platform. With its powerful tools and easy-to-use interface, Azure Databricks is a valuable addition to any data analytics toolkit.

Parse Json In Sql Server Below 2016
Dec 21, 2022

Abstract  This article describes a TSQL JSON parser and provides the source. It is also designed to illustrate a number of string manipulation techniques and also eliminate the issues while dealing with the JSON document containing special symbols like (“/” , ”-”....) in T-SQL. With it you can do things like this to extract the data from a JSON file or document which contains noise and complexities.    Summary For Implementation The code for the JSON Parser will run in SQL Server 2005,  and even in SQL Server 2000 (note: some modifications are necessary). First the function stores all strings in the temporary table, even the name of the elements, since they are 'escapes' in a different way, and may contain, unescaped, brackets, Special Characters which denote objects or lists. These are replaced in the json string by tokens which represent the strings. After this fetch all the json keywords and values for further processing by using the regular expressions, various string functions and a list of SQL queries and variables to store the values for a particular object. And at the last function will return a whole table which contains rows and columns with no noise in the values as the other tables in the particular database.   Figure 1:- Json Input   Figure 2:- Function Output Background TSQL isn’t really designed for doing complex string parsing which contains special characters and particularly where strings represent nested data structures such as XML, JSON, or XHTML.   You can do it but it is not a pretty sight; but If you ever want to do it anyway ? (note You can now do this rather more easily using SQL Server 2016’s built-in JSON support.) But If the SQL Server version is older or not compatible with the built-in JSON support then you can use this customized function to get the desired output by parsing any type of json document.  There is so much stuff behind that all happens to you. For example, it could be that DBA doesn’t allow a CLR, or you lack the necessary skills with procedural scripting. Sometimes, there isn’t any application, or you want to run code unobtrusively across databases or servers.   The Traditional way for dealing with data like this is to let a separate business layer parse a JSON ‘document’ into some meaningful structure(Like Tree) and then update the database by making a series of calls and lots of sql procedures. This is pretty, but can get more complicated and headache if you need to ensure that the updates to the database are wrapped into one transaction so that if anything goes wrong or any issues occur, then the whole transaction can be rolled back. This is why a TSQL approach has advantages.  Adjacency list tables have the same structure whatever the data in them. This means that you can define a single Table-Valued  Type and pass data structures around between stored procedures.  Converting the data to Hierarchical table form will be different for each application, but is easy with a TSQL. You can, alternatively, convert the hierarchical table into JSON and interrogate that with SQL.   JSON format JSON is one of the most popular lightweight markup languages, and is probably the best choice for transfer of object data from a web page. JSON is designed to be as lightweight as possible and so it has only two structures. The first, delimited by curly brackets, is a collection of Key/value pairs, separated by commas. The key is followed by a colon. The first snag for TSQL is that the curly or square brackets are not ‘escaped’ within a string, so that there is no way of partitioning a JSON ‘document’ simply. It is difficult to  differentiate a bracket used as the delimiter of an array or structure, and one that is within a string. The second complication is that, unlike YAML, the datatypes of values can’t be explicitly declared. You have to pass them out from applying the rules from the JSON Specification.   Implementation The JSON outputter is a great deal simpler, since one can be sure of the input, but essentially it does the reverse process, working from the root of the json document to the leaves. The only complication is working out the indent of the formatted output string. In the implementation, you’ll see a fairly heavy use of PATINDEX.This uses a RegEx. However, it is all we have, and can be pressed into service by chopping the string it is searching (if only it had an optional third parameter like CHARINDEX that specified the index of the start position of the search!). The STUFF function is also important for this sort of string-manipulation work. CREATE FUNCTION [Platform].[parseJSON] (@JSON NVARCHAR(MAX)) RETURNS @hierarchy TABLE ( Element_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL /* internal surrogate primary key gives the order of parsing and the list order */ ,SequenceNo [int] NULL /* the place in the sequence for the element */ ,Parent_ID INT NULL /* if the element has a parent then it is in this column. The document is the ultimate parent, so you can get the structure from recursing from the document */ ,[Object_ID] INT NULL /* each list or object has an object id. This ties all elements to a parent. Lists are treated as objects here */ ,[Name] NVARCHAR(2000) NULL /* the Name of the object */ ,StringValue NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL /*the string representation of the value of the element. */ ,ValueType VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL /* the declared type of the value represented as a string in StringValue*/ ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @FirstObject INT --the index of the first open bracket found in the JSON string ,@OpenDelimiter INT --the index of the next open bracket found in the JSON string ,@NextOpenDelimiter INT --the index of subsequent open bracket found in the JSON string ,@NextCloseDelimiter INT --the index of subsequent close bracket found in the JSON string ,@Type NVARCHAR(10) --whether it denotes an object or an array ,@NextCloseDelimiterChar CHAR(1) --either a '}' or a ']' ,@Contents NVARCHAR(MAX) --the unparsed contents of the bracketed expression ,@Start INT --index of the start of the token that you are parsing ,@end INT --index of the end of the token that you are parsing ,@param INT --the parameter at the end of the next Object/Array token ,@EndOfName INT --the index of the start of the parameter at end of Object/Array token ,@token NVARCHAR(200) --either a string or object ,@value NVARCHAR(MAX) -- the value as a string ,@SequenceNo INT -- the sequence number within a list ,@Name NVARCHAR(200) --the Name as a string ,@Parent_ID INT --the next parent ID to allocate ,@lenJSON INT --the current length of the JSON String ,@characters NCHAR(36) --used to convert hex to decimal ,@result BIGINT --the value of the hex symbol being parsed ,@index SMALLINT --used for parsing the hex value ,@Escape INT --the index of the next escape character /* in this temporary table we keep all strings, even the Names of the elements, since they are 'escaped' in a different way, and may contain, unescaped, brackets denoting objects or lists. These are replaced in the JSON string by tokens representing the string */ DECLARE @Strings TABLE ( String_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,StringValue NVARCHAR(MAX) ) IF ISNULL(@JSON, '') = '' RETURN SELECT @characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' --initialise the characters to convert hex to ascii ,@SequenceNo = 0 --set the sequence no. to something sensible. ,@Parent_ID = 0; /* firstly we process all strings. This is done because [{} and ] aren't escaped in strings, which complicates an iterative parse. */ WHILE 1 = 1 --forever until there is nothing more to do BEGIN SELECT @start = PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z]["]%', @json collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin);--next delimited string IF @start = 0 BREAK --no more so drop through the WHILE loop IF SUBSTRING(@json, @start + 1, 1) = '"' BEGIN --Delimited Name SET @start = @Start + 1; SET @end = PATINDEX('%[^\]["]%', RIGHT(@json, LEN(@json + '|') - @start) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin); END IF @end = 0 --either the end or no end delimiter to last string BEGIN -- check if ending with a double slash... SET @end = PATINDEX('%[\][\]["]%', RIGHT(@json, LEN(@json + '|') - @start) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin); IF @end = 0 --we really have reached the end BEGIN BREAK --assume all tokens found END END SELECT @token = SUBSTRING(@json, @start + 1, @end - 1) --now put in the escaped control characters SELECT @token = REPLACE(@token, FromString, ToString) FROM ( SELECT '\b' ,CHAR(08) UNION ALL SELECT '\f' ,CHAR(12) UNION ALL SELECT '\n' ,CHAR(10) UNION ALL SELECT '\r' ,CHAR(13) UNION ALL SELECT '\t' ,CHAR(09) UNION ALL SELECT '\"' ,'"' UNION ALL SELECT '\/' ,'/' ) substitutions(FromString, ToString) SELECT @token = Replace(@token, '\\', '\') SELECT @result = 0 ,@escape = 1 --Begin to take out any hex escape codes WHILE @escape > 0 BEGIN SELECT @index = 0 --find the next hex escape sequence ,@escape = PATINDEX('%\x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]%', @token collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin) IF @escape > 0 --if there is one BEGIN WHILE @index < 4 --there are always four digits to a \x sequence BEGIN SELECT --determine its value @result = @result + POWER(16, @index) * (CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(@token, @escape + 2 + 3 - @index, 1), @characters) - 1) ,@index = @index + 1; END -- and replace the hex sequence by its unicode value SELECT @token = STUFF(@token, @escape, 6, NCHAR(@result)) END END --now store the string away INSERT INTO @Strings (StringValue) SELECT @token -- and replace the string with a token SELECT @JSON = STUFF(@json, @start, @end + 1, '@string' + CONVERT(NCHAR(5), @@identity)) END -- all strings are now removed. Now we find the first leaf. WHILE 1 = 1 --forever until there is nothing more to do BEGIN SELECT @Parent_ID = @Parent_ID + 1 --find the first object or list by looking for the open bracket SELECT @FirstObject = PATINDEX('%[{[[]%', @json collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin) --object or array IF @FirstObject = 0 BREAK IF (SUBSTRING(@json, @FirstObject, 1) = '{') SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar = '}' ,@type = 'object' ELSE SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar = ']' ,@type = 'array' SELECT @OpenDelimiter = @firstObject WHILE 1 = 1 --find the innermost object or list... BEGIN SELECT @lenJSON = LEN(@JSON + '|') - 1 --find the matching close-delimiter proceeding after the open-delimiter SELECT @NextCloseDelimiter = CHARINDEX(@NextCloseDelimiterChar, @json, @OpenDelimiter + 1) --is there an intervening open-delimiter of either type SELECT @NextOpenDelimiter = PATINDEX('%[{[[]%', RIGHT(@json, @lenJSON - @OpenDelimiter) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin) --object IF @NextOpenDelimiter = 0 BREAK SELECT @NextOpenDelimiter = @NextOpenDelimiter + @OpenDelimiter IF @NextCloseDelimiter < @NextOpenDelimiter BREAK IF SUBSTRING(@json, @NextOpenDelimiter, 1) = '{' SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar = '}' ,@type = 'object' ELSE SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar = ']' ,@type = 'array' SELECT @OpenDelimiter = @NextOpenDelimiter END ---and parse out the list or Name/value pairs SELECT @contents = SUBSTRING(@json, @OpenDelimiter + 1, @NextCloseDelimiter - @OpenDelimiter - 1) SELECT @JSON = STUFF(@json, @OpenDelimiter, @NextCloseDelimiter - @OpenDelimiter + 1, '@' + @type + CONVERT(NCHAR(5), @Parent_ID)) WHILE (PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', @contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)) <> 0 BEGIN IF @Type = 'object' --it will be a 0-n list containing a string followed by a string, number,boolean, or null BEGIN SELECT @SequenceNo = 0 ,@end = CHARINDEX(':', ' ' + @contents) --if there is anything, it will be a string-based Name. SELECT @start = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z@][@]%', ' ' + @contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin) --AAAAAAAA SELECT @token = RTrim(Substring(' ' + @contents, @start + 1, @End - @Start - 1)) ,@endofName = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @token collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin) ,@param = RIGHT(@token, LEN(@token) - @endofName + 1) SELECT @token = LEFT(@token, @endofName - 1) ,@Contents = RIGHT(' ' + @contents, LEN(' ' + @contents + '|') - @end - 1) SELECT @Name = StringValue FROM @strings WHERE string_id = @param --fetch the Name END ELSE SELECT @Name = NULL ,@SequenceNo = @SequenceNo + 1 SELECT @end = CHARINDEX(',', @contents) -- a string-token, object-token, list-token, number,boolean, or null IF @end = 0 --HR Engineering notation bugfix start IF ISNUMERIC(@contents) = 1 SELECT @end = LEN(@contents) + 1 ELSE --HR Engineering notation bugfix end SELECT @end = PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z0-9@+.e][^A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', @contents + ' ' collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin) + 1 SELECT @start = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z0-9@+.e][-A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', ' ' + @contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin) --select @start,@end, LEN(@contents+'|'), @contents SELECT @Value = RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@contents, @start, @End - @Start)) ,@Contents = RIGHT(@contents + ' ', LEN(@contents + '|') - @end) IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 7) = '@object' INSERT INTO @hierarchy ( [Name] ,SequenceNo ,Parent_ID ,StringValue ,[Object_ID] ,ValueType ) SELECT @Name ,@SequenceNo ,@Parent_ID ,SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5) ,SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5) ,'object' ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 6) = '@array' INSERT INTO @hierarchy ( [Name] ,SequenceNo ,Parent_ID ,StringValue ,[Object_ID] ,ValueType ) SELECT @Name ,@SequenceNo ,@Parent_ID ,SUBSTRING(@value, 7, 5) ,SUBSTRING(@value, 7, 5) ,'array' ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 7) = '@string' INSERT INTO @hierarchy ( [Name] ,SequenceNo ,Parent_ID ,StringValue ,ValueType ) SELECT @Name ,@SequenceNo ,@Parent_ID ,StringValue ,'string' FROM @strings WHERE string_id = SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5) ELSE IF @value IN ('true', 'false') INSERT INTO @hierarchy ( [Name] ,SequenceNo ,Parent_ID ,StringValue ,ValueType ) SELECT @Name ,@SequenceNo ,@Parent_ID ,@value ,'boolean' ELSE IF @value = 'null' INSERT INTO @hierarchy ( [Name] ,SequenceNo ,Parent_ID ,StringValue ,ValueType ) SELECT @Name ,@SequenceNo ,@Parent_ID ,@value ,'null' ELSE IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9-]%', @value collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin) > 0 INSERT INTO @hierarchy ( [Name] ,SequenceNo ,Parent_ID ,StringValue ,ValueType ) SELECT @Name ,@SequenceNo ,@Parent_ID ,@value ,'real' ELSE INSERT INTO @hierarchy ( [Name] ,SequenceNo ,Parent_ID ,StringValue ,ValueType ) SELECT @Name ,@SequenceNo ,@Parent_ID ,@value ,'int' IF @Contents = ' ' SELECT @SequenceNo = 0 END END INSERT INTO @hierarchy ( [Name] ,SequenceNo ,Parent_ID ,StringValue ,[Object_ID] ,ValueType ) SELECT '-' ,1 ,NULL ,'' ,@Parent_ID - 1 ,@type RETURN END Code Snippet 1:- ParseJson Function   Closure The so-called ‘impedance-mismatch’ between applications and databases is an illusion. if the developer has understood the data correctly then there is less complexity  while processing it. But has been trickier with other formats such as JSON. By using techniques like this, it should be possible to liberate the application or website from having to do the mapping from the object model to the relational, and spraying the database with ad-hoc T-SQL  that uses the fact/dimension tables or updateable views.  If the database can be provided with the JSON, or the Table-Valued parameter, then there is a better chance of  maintaining full transactional integrity for the more complex updates. The database developer already has the tools to do the work with XML, but why not the simpler, and more practical JSON? I hope these routines get you started with experimenting with all this for your requirements.