Tag - Web-Application-Testing

Beginner's Guide to Web Application Testing
Dec 14, 2020

We all have been in a position where a certain bug destroys the user experience in our app. So why does such a situation occur? The reason is very simple: It’s the insufficiency in Web Application Testing. The Testing stage is an extremely critical aspect in the development of software, still, some developers underestimate it. The dilemma is with every code, the risk of an error occurring increases, and the expense of bug fixing increases with time. Thus, Web Application Testing is required to assure that an application is completely usable and runs efficiently and safely. So, let’s dive deeper and see what is Web Application Testing and understand the different criteria of Web Application Testing:   What is Web Application Testing? Web Application Testing tests for possible vulnerabilities on the web server or website before it is made live and available to the general public. During this phase, problems such as web application protection, the functioning of the platform, its connection to disabled as well as frequent users, and its ability to manage traffic are tested.   Why should you test your Website? It's really important to test your website and below are a few reasons to persuade you of that: Websites will face many problems, such as broken connections, non-operational search features, images that are not loaded, forms that are not submitted correctly, etc. So, it gets important to conduct Website Testing on it to ensure that the website does not face any such issues. As many different browsers are available in the market, it becomes very important to check that the website runs well on all the widely used browsers. Today, most individuals use their smartphones as their primary device. Mobile traffic increases year over year and is poised to surpass desktop traffic very soon. According to Statista, there are 6.95 billion mobile subscribers in 2020 and the number is expected to reach 7.41 billion by 2024. With such a huge population accessing mobile devices, it becomes very important to make sure that different mobile devices are well-tuned to your website. Another major factor of website testing that makes the website score better on different search engines is SEO Testing. Checking your website for the right implementation of Google Analytics will help you better calculate the numbers of your visitors. It also helps to evaluate and monitor your website's performance. Another quite essential aspect of website testing is the Quality Testing of the website. By doing proper Website Security Testing, an important concern i.e. Website Protection can be solved effectively.   Different types of Web Application Testing: Functionality Testing - Functionality Testing is a method containing multiple evaluation criteria such as user interface, APIs, database testing, security testing, client and server testing, and simple functionalities of the website. Functionality Testing is very simple and requires both manual and automatic testing to be performed by consumers. In Functionality Testing, the accessibility of each element on the website is checked. Usability Testing - Usability Testing is a method for evaluating how basic a software application is and how user-friendly it is. Usability Testing focuses specifically on the ease of use of the application by the customer, application reliability to manage controls, and application capability to achieve the targets. Interface Testing - Interface Testing is a method of software testing that verifies whether the communication between two separate software systems is performed correctly or not. The interface is the name of a connector that combines 2 components. In a computer environment, this interface could be anything like APIs, web servers, etc. Testing of these linking services or interfaces is known as Interface Testing. Database Testing - Database Testing is a method of testing software that tests the schema, tables, triggers, etc. of the test database. It tests the accuracy and quality of the data as well. Database Testing involves generating complicated queries to monitor the database for load/stress and validate its responsiveness. Database Testing helps to save data loss, protects aborted transaction data, and does not allow any unauthorized person to access the data. Compatibility Testing - To ensure customer loyalty, Compatibility is non-functional testing. Compatibility Testing is a method to decide whether your web application or product is capable of running on multiple browsers, libraries, hardware, operating systems, handheld devices, and networks or not. Performance Testing - Performance Testing is a method of software testing used to assess the speed, reaction time, consistency, durability, scalability, and resource utilization of a given workload software program. The key goal of Performance Testing is to define the performance bottlenecks in the software program and to remove them.  Security Testing - Security Testing is a method to identify the system's risks and calculate their probable drawbacks so that the threats can be encountered and the device does not stop operating or cannot be manipulated. It also helps to recognize all the potential security problems in the system and by coding, it helps the developers to address the issues. Crowd Testing - Crowd Testing means that in real-world situations, we assess and refine the user-friendliness, accessibility, and usefulness of your digital goods leveraging the mutual awareness of a global online network i.e. our audience. Crowd Testing can be used to test any type of software, but when used for testing user-centric apps targeted at a broad user base, it reveals its actual strength. Therefore, online and smartphone apps, portals, and user software are usually considered. Therefore, online and smartphone apps, websites, and user software are usually taken into account.   Benefits: Verifying whether users can effectively complete their tasks on-site without any complications. It helps to discover accessibility challenges so that redesign expenses can be avoided. Enable you to lower your costs of service and concentrate on your business. Enable you to decide why your website was not able to retain the potential visitors. Ensuring that the application is compliant with a wide variety of devices and platforms. Ensure that all potential test cases aimed at the web app work correctly. Can identify broken links on your website.   Conclusion - While joining the online market with your own website or web application, make sure that you have a top priority for Web Application Testing in your company’s checklist. If your site is lacking somewhere until it is running live, then you will regret for not checking it previously. PS - By joining hands with MagnusMinds for Web Application Testing services, you’re ensuring that your customers and clients are going to get the best potential software. We will test your web page to optimize load time, insertion test, and test for maximum traffic loads. We use both manual and automated testing methods for in-depth evaluation of your website before launch. You’ll receive all documentation of test cases and updates as we work through our majestic list of web app tests. From load times to ultimate stress tests, you’ll see just how your web app functions and will be given custom recommendations for improvement.

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