Interview Body Language: Dos and Don'ts

Jan 02, 2020

To make the whole concept clear to you, we thought of giving you a tabular comparison of some of the major common dos and don’ts of interview body language. Keep reading to make the most of these powerful body language tips.


The Dos

Enter confidently:

You must enter confidently since the recruiters even check with the reception about your body language. They believe in observing from the beginning and noticing all the changes. First impressions do matter and, in some cases, they matter the most. Don’t be too nervous and try to breathe deeply to calm yourself.   

A firm handshake:

As mentioned earlier, a firm handshake makes an interviewer feel your enthusiasm and confidence. But remember to let go at the right time. A firm handshake makes them confident about your self-assured personality.

Sit straight:

Keep your back straight (not too stiff) and maintain your posture in such a way that your legs are firmly placed. Lean in towards the interviewers to give an impression of you being interested in what they speak.

Maintain eye contact:

It is of utmost importance that you look directly into the eyes of the person who asks you questions. Make eye contact with every panelist, to look confident and convincing. The average time should be 10-12 seconds. If you get nervous, look at their nose for a few seconds


The panel never wants someone who is grim and grumpy. While it is necessary to take questions seriously, it is also important to show them the light side of you. Smile and make them aware of your pleasant and agreeable persona. Also, it makes you look less nervous, so it is a bonus!

Pay attention to your hands:

 Hands should not ever come in between the direct line of vision between you and the interviewer. Closing them to form a fist, fidgeting or bending your knuckles are a few things that must be avoided. Focus on making gestures with hands and if that is not possible, then start taking notes. Writing will not let your hands be idle and they won’t attract any undue attention.

Additional things to do:

 Keep your phone on silent/flight mode. Remember to carry a pen in your pocket. Place your feet firmly on the ground to make the process of answering the questions easier.



The Don’ts;

Come up as overconfident:

Overconfidence is a big no when it comes to interviews. Interrupting the recruiters believing that you know the company better than them and trying to behave overconfidently are the things which will make you look negative and arrogant. Be polite, humble and use your curiosity judiciously. This is a very important point in the common dos and don’ts of interview body language.

A loose handshake:

A weak handshake shows your lack of confidence and enthusiasm. You must try and mirror the handshake of your interviewer if you want to look active and confident. Don’t put too much pressure too because it can make you look aggressive.

Slouch/bend too much:

If you lean outwards too much or keep your shoulders bent, then it’s time for you to correct it before you appear for an interview. There is nothing more annoying than a lazy candidate who looks insecure all the time.

Stare blankly:

There is a difference between eye contact and staring. If you continue to maintain eye contact for more than 15 seconds at a go, then it would surely make your interviewer uncomfortable. Staring at the other things in the cabin shows that you are a distracted personality. Be the focused person they are looking for.

Toying with objects:

If you have a habit of clicking the pen repeatedly, adjusting your hair too often and touching your nose all the time, then you should seriously practice some ways to stop these. All of these actions look gross and interviewers would be irritated with them. You are there to impress them, not annoy them.

Fidgeting or drumming your fingers on the table:

These habits are signs of restlessness. Changing the position of your hands, legs or even fingers too much can seriously affect the continuity of the interview process. The last thing any company would want is a person who is so distracted that he disturbs everyone around him. Fidgeting affects everyone around you, so try to keep it in check for a positive interview experience.

Additional things you should never do :

Chewing a gum, checking the clock on your phone, taking a call, trying to be over-friendly/personal or going in for a hug. Maintain the decorum of your interview, as this is a thumb rule in the common dos and don’ts of interview body language.

MagnusMinds' Commitment to Growth: Never-ending Learning
Feb 19, 2024

Introduction:  At MagnusMinds, we passionately believe that the key to success lies in the relentless pursuit of knowledge and growth. Our commitment to fostering a culture of continuous development is not just a statement; it is a way of life for our employees. In this blog, we will delve into the core of MagnusMinds' ethos, exploring the various avenues through which we empower our team members to thrive and excel in their professional journeys.    Investing in Knowledge:  At the heart of MagnusMinds' commitment to continuous development is our robust investment in training programs. We understand that staying ahead in today's dynamic business landscape requires a workforce equipped with the latest skills and knowledge. From specialized workshops to industry conferences, we provide our employees with diverse opportunities to enhance their expertise and stay abreast of emerging trends.    Mentorship Matters:  MagnusMinds places great emphasis on the power of mentorship. Our mentorship programs are designed to foster meaningful connections between experienced professionals and those looking to navigate their career paths. Seasoned mentors not only share their insights but also provide guidance, support, and encouragement, creating an environment where learning is a two-way street.    Tailored Development Plans:  Recognizing that each employee is on a unique professional journey, MagnusMinds takes a personalized approach to development. We work collaboratively with our team members to create tailored development plans that align with their career goals and aspirations. Whether it is acquiring new technical skills or honing leadership capabilities, we ensure that everyone's growth trajectory is supported.    Learning Beyond Boundaries:  MagnusMinds encourages its employees to explore learning opportunities beyond their immediate roles. Cross-functional exposure is not just welcomed; it is actively promoted. This approach not only broadens the skill sets of our team members but also fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation, where diverse perspectives are valued.    Learning from Each Other:  The strength of MagnusMinds lies in its diverse talent pool. We believe that everyone has something unique to offer and learning from each other is a continuous process. Whether through informal knowledge-sharing sessions, collaborative projects, or internal forums, we create spaces where employees can tap into the collective intelligence of the organization.    Celebrating Milestones:  Acknowledging and celebrating milestones is an integral part of MagnusMinds' culture. Whether it is completing a certification, leading a successful project, or achieving a personal development goal, we take pride in recognizing and applauding the efforts of our team members. These celebrations not only motivate individuals but also contribute to a positive and supportive work environment.    Conclusion:  In conclusion, MagnusMinds' culture of continuous development is not just about keeping up with the pace of change; it is about setting the pace. By investing in knowledge, promoting mentorship, offering tailored development plans, encouraging cross-functional learning, fostering knowledge-sharing, and celebrating achievements, we are building a workforce that is not just skilled but also passionate about their professional growth.    At MagnusMinds, learning never stops because our commitment to development is ingrained in our DNA. As we empower our employees to reach new heights, we are not just investing in their future; we are shaping the future of MagnusMinds itself. Join us on this journey of perpetual growth, where every day is an opportunity to learn, evolve, and succeed. 

Celebrate Excellence at Achievers Night
Jul 07, 2023

Achievers Night, a highly anticipated annual event, took place recently, leaving attendees in awe with its grandeur and celebration of outstanding accomplishments. This blog aims to provide an in-depth review of this remarkable evening, highlighting the captivating performances, inspirational speeches, and overall atmosphere that made it an unforgettable experience. Inspiring Keynote Speeches: The event featured notable achievers from various fields who delivered thought-provoking and inspiring keynote speeches. These accomplished individuals shared their personal journeys, highlighting the challenges they faced and the perseverance that led to their success. Their words of wisdom and valuable insights resonated with the audience, igniting a sense of motivation and determination to pursue their own dreams and goals. Recognition of Excellence: Achievers Night served as a platform to acknowledge and honor exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions in their respective domains. The event presented awards in various categories to recognize the remarkable achievements of these deserving individuals. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and admiration as the achievers took the stage, sharing their gratitude, and inspiring others with their stories. Unforgettable Performances: The stage was set ablaze with mesmerizing performances by talented individuals, showcasing their skills and entertaining the audience throughout the night. From amazing and funny dance performances to a hilarious stand-up comedy, each act was meticulously curated. The performers demonstrated their unwavering passion, leaving the audience in awe of their incredible talents. Elegance and Ambiance: Achievers Night was not just about recognizing accomplishments; it was an enchanting experience from start to finish. The venue was adorned with elegant decor, creating a sophisticated and celebratory ambiance. From the beautifully arranged seating to the impeccable lighting and sound systems, every detail was meticulously planned to ensure a memorable evening for all attendees. Conclusion: Achievers Night surpassed all expectations, providing an enchanting and inspiring experience for everyone involved. From outstanding performances to insightful speeches and the recognition of excellence, the event celebrated the achievements of extraordinary individuals and ignited a spark of ambition within each attendee. It was an evening that left a lasting impression, reminding us that with passion, perseverance, and dedication, we can all become achievers in our own right.

Quick Insights: The Importance of SMM
May 28, 2021

There has already been plenty said about social media, how it alters consumer behavior, and how businesses may utilize it to turn the tide in their favor. Despite the vast quantity of information available on the internet, many businesses have trouble grasping the concept of "Social Media Marketing" and how it works. As a result, here’s a complete guide that will simplify social media marketing for people who are having trouble coming up with effective marketing ideas. Social media is a worldwide network of over 3.5 billion people that enjoy sharing, seeking, and creating information. Business development tactics have quickly become inextricably linked to social media outlets. When it comes to creating genuine connections with customers, you can't ignore the power of "Social Media".   What is Social Media Marketing? It is the process of developing custom content for each social media platform in order to boost engagement and promote your brand. The goal of Social Media Marketing is to engage with your audience or customers and assist them in better understand your company. It is really useful to the success of your company. Just as in the offline world, your Social Media Marketing success depends on the ability to locate and make your target audience happy so that they appreciate your brand and share your stories with others. If your story isn't worth sharing, your Social Media Marketing efforts will be in vain.   Importance of Social Media Marketing: When consumers want to learn more about a company or product, they turn to social media since that's where they'll find other people talking about it. If you don't have a presence on social media, you are squandering a fantastic opportunity to create an impression. Every day, numerous times a day, your consumers and prospects use social media networks. Brands wishing to learn more about their customers' interests and preferences could use social media. According to the experts, smart businesses will continue to invest in social media in order to achieve long-term commercial growth. Your business can't afford to ignore social media in this increasingly competitive market.   Benefits of Social Media Marketing: You may use a Social Media Marketing strategy to reap a variety of benefits, such as expanding the reach of whatever you're offering by engaging in two-way dialogues with potential clients. The following are the few advantages of Social Media Marketing: 1. Social Media Marketing constantly finds a new audience for your business:  Nothing is more intimidating than speaking to a fresh audience or people who have never interacted with your brand. Social Media Marketing gives you access to tools and methods that make it simple to reach out to a new audience. You can utilize content on Facebook and other social media sites to communicate with potential customers. While it can be difficult to capture people's attention, compelling content can help you stand out.   2. Social Media Marketing helps customers form stronger relationships: If you are having a perception that Social Media Marketing is solely for selling and advertising, it’s high time that you should Rethink. To develop long-term relationships, successful brands interact and engage with their social media consumers. Instead of advertising your products or services, you can just ask your social media followers questions about them or offer something that will make their lives easier. You will gain their trust and demonstrate your concern for their wants and opinions in this manner. Before urging people to invest in you, you should always satisfy them first.   3. Social Media Marketing increases Leads and Conversions: Businesses can create leads through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. To increase conversions, you can use a combination of paid and organic methods. To drive potential customers into your sales, there are some of the most effective techniques such as video marketing, paid ad campaigns, giveaways, and email opt-ins. As everything is happening online, Social Media Marketing is a better, faster, and simpler way to establish a database of potential customers. With more visibility, your business will have more conversion opportunities. Your social media followers may be drawn to your business’ website through compelling content, and as a result, they may become your loyal customers.   4. Social Media Marketing gives you an edge over your Competitors: There's a lot to be learned from your competitors' social media presence, especially if you're new to social media and don't have any strong marketing ideas. Progressive businesses keep a close eye on their competitors to evaluate what works and what doesn't. Following what your competitors are doing on social media should be an important element of your social media marketing plan. You might begin experimenting with what your competitors are doing well.   5. Social Media Marketing is economically beneficial: The most cost-effective and diverse way to promote a business is through social media marketing. Most social networking services allow you to create a profile for free. Even the cost of running a paid campaign to promote your content is relatively inexpensive when compared to other advertising platforms. There's always something you can do to increase the performance of your digital marketing. One of the advantages of social media marketing is that you can use real-time data to track your progress and fine-tune your plan.   Conclusion - There are more than 200 social networking websites to choose from. Make a name for yourself on at least a couple of them. Be where your target market is. To succeed, keep up with all of the current trends and technologies.   There is no better way to build your business than by combining Social Media Marketing with an effective influencer marketing approach.

MagnusMinds IT Solution

About the Author

MagnusMinds IT Solution

MagnusMinds is a well-known name when it comes to software development solutions. We have 15+ years of experience in this field. We have proficient developers and cutting-edge technologies at our disposal to deliver unmatched software development solutions.