Tag - %20Good%20Performers!

Web Components: The Future of Modular UI Design
Jul 26, 2024

Have you ever wanted to create reusable JavaScript building blocks that work in any project, no matter what framework others are using? If so, then Web Components might be the solution you're looking for! This Guide is intended to dive into custom components. Web Components are a collection of tools that expand the web platform. This allows you to define new HTML elements with specific functionality and behavior. There’s a lot to think about, and writing a component can require a lot of boilerplate code. Fortunately, some great libraries can make creating custom elements more straightforward, and save you a lot of time and effort. However, if you’re writing lots and lots of custom elements, using a library can make your code simpler and cleaner, and your workflow more efficient. What are the Web Components? That allows developers to create custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML elements. Custom Elements: Enables the creation of new HTML tags. Shadow DOM: Provides encapsulation for custom elements, ensuring that their internal structure and styles do not interfere with the rest of the document. HTML Templates: Allows the definition of HTML templates that can be reused and instantiated in custom elements. Note: The name of a Web Component needs to contain a dash (-). This naming convention is put into place to enable the HTML parser to distinguish custom from regular elements and also avoid creating your own components that could be added as part of future HTML standards. <mycard></mycard>, <card></card> or <CardComponent></CardComponent> are all invalid names, while <my-card></my-card> is allowed.   Why Web Components? Web components allow us to take our frontend widgets off this cycle of getting rebuilt in the newest framework flavor Reuse is King: Ever build the same button style ten times? With Web Components, you define a button component once and use it everywhere! Framework Freedom: No more framework lock-in! Web Components work seamlessly with vanilla JavaScript, React, Angular, or any framework you choose. Encapsulation Power: Components keep their styles and functionality isolated, preventing conflicts and promoting cleaner code. To define a new custom element using the v1 implementation, you simply create a new class that extends HTMLElement using ES6 syntax and register it with the browser:   class MyElement extends HTMLElement {...} window.customElements.define('my-element, MyElement); //example usage in your app: <my-element></my-element> NOTE: Only Chrome V67 and up supports customized built-in elements! Let's Jump over the example, Building with LitElement. Certainly! Below is an example of a toggle switch web component using Lit. This example includes the essential parts: defining the component, its styles, and its template. Code Snippets for User Template:   // component's template render() { return html` <label class="switch"> <input type="checkbox" .checked="${this.checked}" @change="${this._toggle}"> <span class="slider"></span> </label> `; } // Method handler. // The toggle handler public _toggle(event): void { this.checked = event.target.checked; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('toggle', { detail: this.checked })); } Explanation: We import LitElement and the html function for templating. We define a AppToggle class that extends LitElement. We set the name property to accept a string value. The render method defines how the component looks using LitElement's HTML-like syntax. Finally, we register the app-toggle custom element.   Now, you can use your app-toggle component anywhere in your HTML: <div style="display: block; padding:200px"> <app-toggle name="toggle" checked="true"></app-toggle> <app-toggle name="World"></app-toggle> </div> The Future is Modular! Web Components offer a powerful and versatile approach to building user interfaces. With Reusability, framework independence, and clear separation of concerns, they are poised to be a significant force in the future of web development. So, start building your UI block party with Web Components today! I have included a screenshot below from WebComponents.org that shows the current browser support - a really nice community guide worth checking out and adding to your Bookmarks: Conclusion In this article, you took your first step into the world of web components. Web components have no third-party dependencies, so using them won't have a big impact on your bundle size. But for more complex components, you may want to reach for a library like Svelte or Lit.    

.NET Performance Analysis: Newtonsoft.Json vs System.Text.Json
Jul 23, 2024

In the world of .NET development, handling JSON serialization and deserialization is a common task, especially when dealing with web APIs, configuration files, and data interchange between systems. Two prominent libraries for JSON processing in the .NET ecosystem are Newtonsoft.Json (often referred to simply as Newtonsoft) and System.Text.Json. In this article, we'll compare and contrast these two libraries, exploring their features, examples, advantages, and disadvantages. Newtonsoft.Json Newtonsoft.Json, developed by James Newton-King, has been the go-to library for JSON serialization and deserialization in the .NET ecosystem for many years. It offers a wide range of features and has garnered widespread adoption among developers. Let's explore some of its characteristics:   Features of Newtonsoft.Json   Flexible and Robust: Newtonsoft.Json provides comprehensive support for JSON serialization and deserialization, handling complex object graphs, custom conversions, and nullable types effortlessly. Customization Options: Developers can customize the serialization and deserialization process using attributes, custom converters, and serialization settings, allowing fine-grained control over JSON representation. Widely Adopted: Newtonsoft.Json is battle-tested and widely adopted in the .NET community, with extensive documentation, tutorials, and community support available.   using Newtonsoft.Json; // Serialization string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObject); // Deserialization MyObject obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyObject>(json); System.Text.Json System.Text.Json, introduced in .NET Core 3.0 and later versions, is Microsoft's built-in JSON processing library, aiming to provide a modern, high-performance alternative to Newtonsoft.Json. While it may not offer the same level of features and flexibility as Newtonsoft.Json, it focuses on performance and seamless integration with the .NET ecosystem. Features of System.Text.Json Performance: System.Text.Json is optimized for performance, offering faster serialization and deserialization compared to Newtonsoft.Json in certain scenarios. Built-in Support: It seamlessly integrates with other .NET features such as async/await, streams, and memory management, making it a natural choice for .NET Core and .NET 5+ projects. Minimalistic API: System.Text.Json provides a minimalistic API surface, emphasizing simplicity and ease of use for common scenarios. using System.Text.Json; // Serialization string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(myObject); // Deserialization MyObject obj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MyObject>(json);   Advantages and Disadvantages Newtonsoft.Json Advantages Comprehensive feature set with extensive customization options. Widely adopted with a large community and ecosystem. Mature and battle-tested library. Disadvantages Performance may degrade for large datasets compared to System.Text.Json. Requires additional dependencies for .NET Core and .NET 5+ projects.    System.Text.Json Advantages Optimized for performance, especially in scenarios with large datasets. Built-in support in .NET Core and .NET 5+, eliminating the need for additional dependencies. Seamless integration with other .NET features. Disadvantages Less feature-rich compared to Newtonsoft.Json, lacking some advanced customization options. Limited community support and fewer resources compared to Newtonsoft.Json. [Benchmark] public void NewtonsoftDeserializeIndividualData() { foreach (var user in serializedTestUsersList) { _ = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(user); } } [Benchmark] public void MicrosoftDeserializeIndividualData() { foreach (var user in serializedTestUsersList) { _ = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<User>(user); } } Results: Data Method Count Mean  Ratio  Allocated Alloc Ratio Newtonsoft 10000 15.974 ms 1.00 35.5 MB 1.00 Microsoft 10000 8.472 ms 1.00 3.96 MB 1.0      Conclusion In the realm of JSON serialization and deserialization within the .NET landscape, our benchmarks present a compelling case. Despite claims of high performance from Newtonsoft.Json, the results unequivocally demonstrate that Microsoft’s System.Text.Json consistently outperforms its counterpart. Whether handling large or small datasets, System.Text.Json showcases superior speed and memory efficiency.

Quickstart: What is Custom Vision?
Jul 22, 2024

Custom Vision Azure AI Custom Vision is an image recognition service that lets you build, deploy, and improve your own image identifier models. An image identifier applies labels to images, according to their visual characteristics. Each label represents a classification or object. Custom Vision allows you to specify your own labels and train custom models to detect them. How Custom Vision Works The Custom Vision service leverages a machine learning algorithm to analyze images for unique features. Here’s a step-by-step overview: Image Submission: Upload sets of images with and without the desired visual characteristics. Labeling: Tag the images with custom labels during submission. Training: The algorithm trains on this data and tests its accuracy using the same images. Deployment: Once trained, the model can be tested, retrained, and deployed in your app to classify images or detect objects. Offline Use: You can also export the model for offline applications.   Getting Started with Custom Vision Step 1: Create a New Project Visit the Custom Vision portal. Click on New Project. Fill in the required fields. Note: Charges apply as per the pricing model.   Step 2: Upload Training Images Navigate to the Training Images section. Click on the Browse button to select images. Add tags to the selected images. Ensure each tag is specific and accurate.   Browse the photos to start training and upload photos.   Add Tags to uploading images.   Uplaod Arround 50+ Photos for seamless training for each Tags. Step 4: Evaluate Model Performance Once training is complete, the model’s performance metrics will be displayed: Precision: Indicates the likelihood of a correct tag prediction. Recall: Shows the percentage of correct predictions out of all possible correct tags. Average Precision (AP): Summarizes precision and recall across different thresholds. To start training: Click on Train Button on the top,   So GO to Performance page, And Click on  Select the quick training for faster results and quick outputs.   Wait Until the Training teration is completed.   Wait until the models are Developed and  Once Training complets then it will show the Charts as per below.   Step 5: Test the Trained Model Click on Quick Test. Select an image to test. Review the precision percentages to understand tag accuracy   Supported Browsers The Custom Vision portal supports the following browsers: Microsoft Edge (latest version) Google Chrome (latest version) Conclusion Azure AI Custom Vision empowers you to create tailored image recognition models with ease. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can harness the power of AI to enhance your applications.  

Difference between Azure Kubernetes service AKS and service fabric
Jul 21, 2024

Azure Service Fabric and Kubernetes are both popular container orchestration platforms that offer a range of features and capabilities. While they serve similar purposes, there are key differences between the two platforms. What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling into nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. What is Azure Service Fabric? Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable micro services. Service Fabric addresses the significant challenges in developing and managing cloud apps. Azure Service Fabric vs Kubernetes : Infrastructure setup Azure Service Fabric is a platform that abstracts away the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on building applications. On the other hand, Kubernetes is an open-source platform that can be deployed on any infrastructure, giving users more control over their infrastructure setup.   Deployment and scaling Azure Service Fabric provides built-in support for micro services, making it easy to deploy and scale applications composed of multiple services. In contrast, Kubernetes focuses on managing containers and offers more flexibility in terms of containerization, allowing users to deploy and scale containerized applications   Service discovery and load balancing Azure Service Fabric includes built-in service discovery and load balancing features, making it easier for applications to discover and communicate with other services in the cluster. Kubernetes relies on external tools and services for service discovery and load balancing, offering more flexibility but requiring additional configuration and setup.   Monitoring and diagnostics Azure Service Fabric provides built-in monitoring and diagnostics capabilities, allowing developers to easily monitor the health and performance of their applications. Kubernetes, on the other hand, requires the use of external monitoring and logging tools for monitoring and diagnostics, offering more flexibility but requiring additional setup and configuration.   Application life cycle management Azure Service Fabric provides comprehensive application life cycle management capabilities, including rolling upgrades and versioning, making it easier to manage and upgrade applications. Kubernetes also supports rolling upgrades but does not provide built-in versioning and advanced application life cycle management features.   Support and ecosystem Azure Service Fabric is a Microsoft product and has strong integration with other Azure services, providing a consistent and unified experience for users. Kubernetes, being an open-source platform, has a larger community and ecosystem, with support from major cloud providers and a wide range of third-party tools and services available.   Conclusion  Azure Service Fabric is a platform-as-a-service offering that abstracts away the underlying infrastructure and provides comprehensive application management features. Kubernetes, on the other hand, is an open-source container orchestration platform that offers more flexibility in terms of infrastructure setup and containerization. The choice between the two platforms depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the users.

What should I choose between AWS and Azure?
Jul 19, 2024

Introduction: Today, most businesses and startups use cloud services instead of physical storage devices. Public clouds provide resources over the Internet, which companies can access and pay for as needed. This is easier and cheaper than buying physical desktops because companies can use virtual desktops instead. AWS and Azure are leading cloud providers offering various services and best practices to organizations and users. This article will explore AWS and Azure, compare their differences and helping you to choose between them and much more. What is AWS? AWS, part of Amazon since 2006, is a top cloud service provider offering on-demand computing and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments on a subscription basis. It uses Elastic Compute Cloud for computing, Simple Storage Service for storage, and RDS and DynamoDB for databases. As of 2020, AWS has a 33% market share in the cloud industry. Customers can pay based on their usage and specific needs. On the other hand, Azure is a cloud service provided by Microsoft. What is Azure? Microsoft Azure, originally released as Windows Azure in 2010 and renamed in 2014, it is a cloud service that helps users create, test, deploy, and maintain applications.  It offers free access for the first year and provides virtual machines, fast data processing, and tools for analysis and monitoring. With straightforward and affordable "pay as you go" pricing, Azure supports many programming languages and tools, including third-party software. Offering over 600 services. Azure is very well known for cloud service providers such as Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Key Differences Between AWS and Azure   Market Share and Reach AWS: AWS is the biggest player in cloud computing, known for its extensive global presence with many regions and availability zones. Azure: Azure is the second-largest cloud provider, gaining popularity for its strong ties to Microsoft services and solutions for businesses. Service Offerings AWS: Offers a wide range of services with a broader selection of computing, storage, database, and machine learning options. Includes Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which allows users to create subnets, route tables, private IP address ranges, and network gateways. Provides compute services like EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, AWS Lambda, ECS, etc. Azure: Strong support for hybrid cloud and enterprise services, seamlessly integrating with popular Microsoft products such as Windows Server, Active Directory, and Office 365. Includes services like Azure Virtual Machine, App Service, Azure Functions, and Container service. Popularity AWS: It has larger community support and trust across its customers, with high-profile clients like Netflix, Twitch, LinkedIn, Facebook, BBC, etc. Azure: Not far behind, Azure has many Fortune 500 companies as customers, including Samsung, eBay, Boeing, BMW, etc. Pricing Models AWS: Offers different pricing options like On-Demand, Reserved Instances, and Spot Instances, but its pricing can be complex and charges per hour. Azure: Has competitive pricing options similar to AWS, such as Pay-As-You-Go and charges per minute, Reserved Instances, and Spot pricing. It often provides cost savings for existing Microsoft customers through discounts and credits. Hybrid Cloud and On-premises Integration AWS: AWS Outposts supports hybrid cloud solutions, primarily focusing on cloud-native approaches. Azure: Prioritizes hybrid cloud solutions with services such as Azure Arc and Azure Stack, ensuring smooth integration with Microsoft environments both on-premises and in the cloud. Open Source and DevOps AWS: Supports a broad array of open-source tools and applications. It offers comprehensive DevOps services like AWS CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodeCommit. Azure: Provides robust support for open-source technologies through partnerships with various open-source communities.   Difference between AWS and Azure: AWS vs Azure   Conclusion Choosing between Azure and AWS depends on your specific business needs, budget, and IT resources. Both offer extensive cloud services and strong security features. If you need a cost-effective solution for smaller workloads, Azure is a good choice. For a scalable and robust solution for larger workloads, AWS is better. Evaluate your options carefully to select the cloud platform that best fits your business requirements

What is Azure Kubernetes Services Aks?
Jul 19, 2024

What is Azure Kubernetes Services Aks? Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a fully managed Kubernetes service offered by Microsoft Azure. It allows you to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters on the Azure cloud platform. Azure Kubernetes Service makes it easier for developers to deploy, manage and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes. In this article, we will delve deeper into Azure Kubernetes Service and look at its features, benefits, and drawbacks. One of the standout features of AKS lies in its role as an enabler for both development and operations teams. By offering a managed environment, AKS allows developers to channel their efforts towards crafting and refining applications without being burdened by the intricacies of infrastructure provisioning and maintenance. Simultaneously, operations teams benefit from the automation and optimization features inherent to AKS, which simplify the deployment and orchestration of containerized workloads.     Azure Kubernetes Service offers several features that make it an attractive option for developers. These features include: Managed Kubernetes: Azure Kubernetes Service is a fully managed Kubernetes service, meaning that Microsoft manages Kubernetes clusters. This includes provisioning, scaling, and upgrading the Kubernetes clusters. Easy Deployment: AKS makes it easy to deploy Kubernetes clusters on Azure. Developers can deploy a cluster with just a few clicks, making it easy to start with Kubernetes in Azure. High Availability: AKS provides high availability for Kubernetes clusters using multiple nodes in different availability zones. This ensures that the cluster is always available, even in a failure. Security: AKS provides security features such as role-based access control (RBAC) and network security groups (NSGs) to secure Kubernetes clusters. Scalability: AKS allows you to scale your Kubernetes cluster up or down based on your application’s workload. Integration: AKS integrates with other Azure services such as Azure Container Registry, Azure Active Directory, and Azure DevOps.Hybrid cloud capabilities: Azure provides hybrid cloud capabilities, enabling organizations to run Kubernetes clusters both on-premises and in the cloud, and easily move applications between the two environments.        Benefits of Azure Kubernetes Services Simplified Deployment: AKS simplifies the deployment of containerized apps by reducing the complexities of managing infrastructure. Developers can easily use familiar tools and workflows to deploy applications, reducing the learning curve associated with container orchestration. Cost-Efficiency: By leveraging AKS, organizations can achieve cost-efficiency through optimized resource utilization. Avoid unnecessary expenses by scaling resources based on demand, ensuring efficient resource allocation. High Availability: It provides high availability by distributing applications across multiple nodes and availability zones. This ensures that applications remain accessible even in the event of node failures or other infrastructure issues. Security and Compliance: AKS incorporates robust security features, including Azure Active Directory integration, role-based access control (RBAC), and network policies. This helps organizations meet their security and compliance requirements while deploying and managing containerized applications.   Cons of Azure Kubernetes Service Vendor Lock-In: AKS is a Microsoft Azure service, meaning you may be locked into the Azure cloud platform if you choose to use AKS. Cost: AKS is a paid service, which can quickly add up if you have large Kubernetes clusters. Limited Control: AKS is a managed Kubernetes service, meaning that Microsoft manages the Kubernetes cluster. This can limit the level of control you have over the underlying infrastructure. Learning Curve: Although AKS removes the complexity of managing Kubernetes clusters, there is still a learning curve associated with deploying and managing containerized applications on Kubernetes.                                            Why Azure Kubernetes Services? One of the main advantages of AKS is its seamless integration with other Azure services. This makes deploying and managing containerized applications on the Azure cloud platform easy. AKS can be used with Azure Container Registry (ACR) to store and manage container images and Azure DevOps to enable continuous containerized application integration and deployment (CI/CD). Azure Kubernetes Service also simplifies Kubernetes deployment. It automates the deployment, scaling, and management of Kubernetes clusters, so developers can focus on building and deploying their applications. AKS provides features such as automatic scaling, self-healing, and rolling updates, which help ensure that applications are always available and up-to-date. Another advantage of AKS is its high availability. AKS uses multiple nodes in different availability zones, ensuring the Kubernetes cluster is always available. It also supports horizontal scaling, which allows the cluster to adjust automatically to changes in demand. Conclusion Overall, AKS stands out for its seamless integration with Azure services, simplified Kubernetes management, high availability, security features, and Microsoft support.AKS provides a powerful platform for deploying and managing containerized applications, making it easier for organizations to adopt Kubernetes and leverage the full potential of containers in the cloud. Businesses already using Azure for their cloud infrastructure should consider using AKS to deploy and manage their containerized applications.

C# Optimization Performance Tips
Jul 18, 2024

Before diving into optimization techniques, it’s important to identify the areas of your code that require improvement. By measuring and profiling your application’s performance, you can pinpoint the exact bottlenecks and focus your optimization efforts where they matter the most (Measure and Identify Bottlenecks). In this blog, I’ll explain effective strategies for handling memory and reducing garbage collection overhead in your C# applications. Memory management and garbage collection are essential aspects of performance tuning in C#, so these best practices will help you optimize your code for maximum efficiency.  Here are 8 tips that will help with performance optimization. 1. Use the IDisposable interface :  Utilizing the IDisposable interface is a crucial C# performance tip. It helps you properly manage unmanaged resources and ensures that your application’s memory usage is efficient.  Bad way: public class ResourceHolder { private Stream _stream; public ResourceHolder(string filePath) { _stream = File.OpenRead(filePath); } // Missing: IDisposable implementation } Good way: public class ResourceHolder : IDisposable { private Stream _stream; public ResourceHolder(string filePath) { _stream = File.OpenRead(filePath); } public void Dispose() { _stream?.Dispose(); // Properly disposing the unmanaged resource. } } By implementing the IDisposable interface, you ensure that unmanaged resources will be released when no longer needed, preventing memory leaks and reducing pressure on the garbage collector. This is a fundamental code optimization technique in C# that developers should utilize. 2. Asynchronous Programming with async/await  Asynchronous programming is a powerful technique for improving C# performance in I/O-bound operations, allowing you to enhance your app’s responsiveness and efficiency. Here, we’ll explore some best practices for async/await in C#. Limit the number of concurrent operations Bad way: public async Task ProcessManyItems(List<string> items) { var tasks = items.Select(async item => await ProcessItem(item)); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); } Good way: public async Task ProcessManyItems(List<string> items, int maxConcurrency = 10) { using (var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxConcurrency)) { var tasks = items.Select(async item => { await semaphore.WaitAsync(); // Limit concurrency by waiting for the semaphore. try { await ProcessItem(item); } finally { semaphore.Release(); // Release the semaphore to allow other operations. } }); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); } } Without limiting concurrency, many tasks will run simultaneously, which can lead to heavy load and degraded overall performance. Instead, use a SemaphoreSlim to control the number of concurrent operations.  3. UseConfigureAwait(false) when possible ConfigureAwait(false) is a valuable C# performance trick that can help prevent deadlocks in your async code and improve efficiency by not forcing continuations to run on the original synchronization context.   public async Task<string> DataAsync() { var data = await ReadDataAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // Use ConfigureAwait(false) to avoid potential deadlocks. return ProcessData(data); } 4. Parallel Computing and Task Parallel Library This will help the power of multicore processors and speed up CPU-bound operations Bad way: private void Data(List<int> data) { for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { PerformExpensiveOperation(data[i]); } } Good way: private void Data(List<int> data) { Parallel.ForEach(data, item => PerformExpensiveOperation(item)); } Parallel loops can considerably accelerate processing of large collections by distributing the workload among multiple CPU cores. Switch from regular for and foreach loops to their parallel counterparts whenever it’s feasible and safe.  5. Importance of Caching Data Utilizing in-memory caching can drastically reduce time-consuming database fetches and speed up your application. The good way demonstrates the use of in-memory caching to store product data and reduce time-consuming database fetches.  6. Optimizing LINQ Performance Force immediate execution using ToList() or ToArray() when needed. Use the AsParallel() extension method to ensure safety and parallelism. Selecting a HashSet instead of a List offers faster look-up times and greater performance 7. Task and ValueTask for reusing asynchronous code Use ValueTask to reduce heap allocations public async ValueTask<string> DataAsync() { var data = await ReadFromStreamAsync(_stream); return ProcessData(data); } By switching from Task<TResult> to ValueTask<TResult>, you can reduce heap allocations and ultimately improve your C# performance 8. Use HttpClientFactory to manage HttpClient instances private readonly HttpClient _httpClient; public MyClass(HttpClient httpClient) { _httpClient = httpClient; } public async Task GetDataAsync() { var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync("http://himashu.com/data"); } This approach manages the lifetimes of your HttpClient instances more efficiently, preventing socket exhaustion. - Use null-coalescing operators (??, ??=) string datInput = NullableString() ?? "default"; - Using Span and Memory for efficient buffer management // Using Span<T> avoids additional memory allocation and copying byte[] data = GetData(); Span<byte> dataSpan = data.AsSpan(); ProcessData(dataSpan); - Use StringComparison options for efficient string comparison bool equal = string.Equals(string1, string2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); - Use StringBuilder over string concatenation in loops StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { sb.AppendFormat("Iteration: {0}", i); } string result = sb.ToString();   This has been a collection of just a few things I’ve found useful for enhancing the performance of my C# .NET code. Remember that the key to successful development is a balance between code quality and performance optimizations. By employing these techniques, you’ll be able to build high-performing C# applications that deliver a seamless user experience.

Your Go-To Solution for Generating Realistic Indian Data
Jul 17, 2024

In the world of software development and testing, having access to realistic and diverse data sets is crucial. That's why we are thrilled to introduce IndiGen, a powerful and versatile package designed to generate realistic Indian data with ease.   Why IndiGen? IndiGen is a comprehensive tool that caters specifically to the needs of developers and testers who require authentic Indian data for their projects. Whether you are working on unit tests, creating sample data, or validating functionality, IndiGen has got you covered. Key Features Realistic Indian Names: Generate complete names, first names, last names, middle names, prefixes, and suffixes. var fullName = India.Faker.Name.FullName(); // Example: Ramesh Babu var firstName = India.Faker.Name.First(); // Example: Amitabh var lastName = India.Faker.Name.Last(); // Example: Kapoor var middleName = India.Faker.Name.Middle(); // Example: Hrutvik var prefix = India.Faker.Name.Prefix(); // Example: Shri var suffix = India.Faker.Name.Suffix(); // Example: Bhai, Kumar   Valid Phone Numbers: Generate realistic Indian phone numbers. var phoneNumber = India.Faker.Phone.Number(); // Example: +91-9988776655, 9998887770, 079-27474747   Authentic Vehicle Number Plates: Generate vehicle number plates in Indian formats. var vehicleNumberPlate = India.Faker.VehicleNumberPlate.Number(); // Example: GJ 01 AA 7777, 24 BH 9999 AA   Valid PAN Card Numbers: Generate PAN card numbers that conform to Indian standards. var panCardNumber = India.Faker.PanCardNumber.Number(); // Example: AABBB8888A   Aadhaar Card Numbers: Generate Aadhaar card numbers. var aadhaarCardNumber = India.Faker.AadharCardNumber.Number(); // Example: 2222 4444 2222   Supported Versions IndiGen is compatible with a wide range of .NET versions, ensuring flexibility and ease of integration into your projects: .NET Framework 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 .NET Standard 2.0, 2.1 .NET Core 3.0, 3.1 .NET 5.0, 6.0 Get Started with IndiGen Getting started with IndiGen is simple. Visit our NuGet package page and integrate it into your projects to start generating realistic Indian data today.   How to Install Installing IndiGen is straightforward. You can add it to your project using the NuGet Package Manager, .NET CLI, or by editing your project file. Using NuGet Package Manager Open your project in Visual Studio. Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution. Search for IndiGen. Select the package and click Install. Using .NET CLI Run the following command in your terminal:\ dotnet add package IndiGen Editing Your Project File Add the following line to your .csproj file: <PackageReference Include="IndiGen" Version="8.0.1" /> Replace "8.0.1" with the latest version of IndiGen.  NuGet Package: IndiGen   Contribute to IndiGen We welcome contributions from the community. If you have suggestions, improvements, or new features in mind, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Together, we can make IndiGen even better! IndiGen is here to simplify your development and testing process by providing realistic Indian data. Try it out and let us know your thoughts. Happy coding!

Serverless computing using Azure Function
Jul 17, 2024

Serverless computing is a widely adopted approach and an extension of the cloud computing model where customers can focus solely on building logic, with the server infrastructure being completely managed by third-party cloud service providers. In Microsoft Azure, serverless computing can be implemented in various ways, one of which is by using Azure Functions. In this blog, we will discuss how to use Azure Functions for serverless computing. Firstly, let us understand the following terms. What Is Serverless Computing? Serverless computing, also known as the Function-as-a-Service (FAAS) approach to building software applications, eliminates the need to manage the server hardware and software by the consumer and be taken care of by third-party vendors. What Are Azure Functions? Azure functions are the serverless solution that provides all the necessary resources to carry out the tasks with minimal lines of code, infrastructure, and cost. The Azure function are a combination of code and event allowing us to write the code in any language. A Step-by-Step Approach For Creating An Azure Function Go to the Azure portal, search for Function App, and select Function App. Create a new Function App and fill in the details accordingly. Basic tab You can select the Runtime stack and version based on your requirements. Here, I am selecting .NET with version 8 and the operating system Windows. Storage You may leave the default values or configure them according to your project requirements. The default values are configured as. Storage account: You may use the existing storage account or create a new account to store your function app. Monitoring Enable the Application insights to monitor the activity. Deployment tab To enable Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), you may connect your function app to a repository by authorizing it to GitHub. These are the important things to focus on while creating your function app, you may leave the remaining details as default or customize them according to your requirements. Once you finish configuring your app, you can click the “create” button at the bottom of the page.Now your app will start the process of deployment. Once deployment is done click on go to the resource tab and you will see your function app was created successfully. Now we need to create a function in our function app. As you can see We have various options to choose Visual Studio, VS code, and other editors or CLI. Choose an environment to create your function. I’ve chosen Visual Studio to create my function app. Create an Azure Functions with Visual Studio From the Visual Studio menu, select File > New > Project. In Create a new project, enter functions in the search box, choose the Azure Functions template, and then select Next. Here you can select the function based on your requirements. Here I am selecting Timer trigger function. Then click on the Create button to create a project. You will see that the default Timer trigger function is created. Here I have created one more function called "HTTPTrigger". Here, you can see two JSON files: host.json and local.settings.json. The local.settings.json file stores app settings and settings used by local development tools. Settings in the local.settings.json file are used only when you're running your project locally. When you publish your project to Azure, be sure to also add any required settings to the app settings for the function app. Publish to Azure Use the following steps to publish your project to a function app in Azure. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Publish. In Target, select Azure then Next. Select Azure Function App (Windows) for the Specific target, which creates a function app that runs on Windows, and then select Next. In the Functions instance, You have to select the function that you created on the Azure portal and then click the finish button.  You can see that the publish profile has been added. Now, click on the Publish button to publish the function to Azure. Once the function is published, go to the Azure portal and search for Application Insights. You can find the Application Insights instance with the same name as the function. On the LHS, go to the Transaction search tab under Investigate and click on See all data in the last 24 hours. In the logs, you can see that your function is working properly. Conclusion In a nutshell, Azure functions provide a very precise environment for developers allowing them to more focus on coding rather than then managing infrastructure. This feature plays a key role in building scalable and responsive applications with low cost.

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