Tag - AI

Quickstart: What is Custom Vision?
Jul 22, 2024

Custom Vision Azure AI Custom Vision is an image recognition service that lets you build, deploy, and improve your own image identifier models. An image identifier applies labels to images, according to their visual characteristics. Each label represents a classification or object. Custom Vision allows you to specify your own labels and train custom models to detect them. How Custom Vision Works The Custom Vision service leverages a machine learning algorithm to analyze images for unique features. Here’s a step-by-step overview: Image Submission: Upload sets of images with and without the desired visual characteristics. Labeling: Tag the images with custom labels during submission. Training: The algorithm trains on this data and tests its accuracy using the same images. Deployment: Once trained, the model can be tested, retrained, and deployed in your app to classify images or detect objects. Offline Use: You can also export the model for offline applications.   Getting Started with Custom Vision Step 1: Create a New Project Visit the Custom Vision portal. Click on New Project. Fill in the required fields. Note: Charges apply as per the pricing model.   Step 2: Upload Training Images Navigate to the Training Images section. Click on the Browse button to select images. Add tags to the selected images. Ensure each tag is specific and accurate.   Browse the photos to start training and upload photos.   Add Tags to uploading images.   Uplaod Arround 50+ Photos for seamless training for each Tags. Step 4: Evaluate Model Performance Once training is complete, the model’s performance metrics will be displayed: Precision: Indicates the likelihood of a correct tag prediction. Recall: Shows the percentage of correct predictions out of all possible correct tags. Average Precision (AP): Summarizes precision and recall across different thresholds. To start training: Click on Train Button on the top,   So GO to Performance page, And Click on  Select the quick training for faster results and quick outputs.   Wait Until the Training teration is completed.   Wait until the models are Developed and  Once Training complets then it will show the Charts as per below.   Step 5: Test the Trained Model Click on Quick Test. Select an image to test. Review the precision percentages to understand tag accuracy   Supported Browsers The Custom Vision portal supports the following browsers: Microsoft Edge (latest version) Google Chrome (latest version) Conclusion Azure AI Custom Vision empowers you to create tailored image recognition models with ease. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can harness the power of AI to enhance your applications.  

BI ChatBot in Domo: Step-by-Step Guide
Jan 05, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of business intelligence (BI), the need for seamless interaction with data is paramount. Imagine a world where you could effortlessly pose natural language questions to your datasets and receive insightful answers in return. Welcome to the future of BI, where the power of conversational interfaces meets the robust capabilities of Domo. This blog post serves as your comprehensive guide to implementing a BI ChatBot within the Domo platform, a revolutionary step towards making data exploration and analysis more intuitive and accessible than ever before. Gone are the days of wrestling with complex queries or navigating through intricate dashboards. With the BI ChatBot in Domo, users can now simply articulate their questions in plain language and navigate through datasets with unprecedented ease. Join us on this journey as we break down the process into manageable steps, allowing you to harness the full potential of BI ChatBot integration within the Domo ecosystem. Whether you're a seasoned data analyst or a business professional seeking data-driven insights, this guide will empower you to unlock the true value of your data through natural language interactions. Get ready to elevate your BI experience and transform the way you interact with your datasets. Let's dive into the future of business intelligence with the implementation of a BI ChatBot in Domo.   Prerequisites: ChatGPT API Key: Prepare for the integration of natural language to SQL conversion by obtaining a ChatGPT API Key. This key will empower your system to seamlessly translate user queries in natural language into SQL commands. DOMO Access: Ensure that you have the necessary access rights to create a new application within the Domo platform. This step is crucial for configuring and deploying the BI ChatBot effectively within your Domo environment.   1: Integrate the HTML Easy Bricks App. Begin the process by incorporating the HTML Easy Bricks App into your project. Navigate to the AppStore and add the HTML Easy Bricks to your collection. Save it to your dashboard for easy access. Upon opening the App for the first time, it will have a default appearance. To enhance its visual appeal and functionality, customize it by incorporating the HTML and CSS code. This transformation will result in the refined look illustrated below.   Image 1: DOMO HTML Easy Brick UI   2: Map/Connect the Dataset to the Card. In this phase, establish a connection between the dataset and the card where users will pose their inquiries. Refer to the image below, where the "Key" dataset is linked to "dataset0." Extend this mapping to accommodate up to three datasets. If your project involves more datasets, consider using the DDX-TEN-DATASETS App instead of HTML Easy Bricks for a more scalable solution. This ensures seamless integration and accessibility for users interacting with various datasets within your Domo environment.   Image 2: Attach Dataset With Card   3: Execute the Query on the Dataset for Results. In this phase, you'll implement the code to execute a query on the dataset, fetching the desired results. Before this, initiate a call to the ChatGPT API to dynamically generate an SQL query based on the user's natural language question. It's essential to note that the below code is designed to only accept valid column names in the query, adhering strictly to MySQL syntax. To facilitate accurate query generation from ChatGPT, create a prompt that includes the dataset schema and provides clear guidance for obtaining precise SQL queries. Here is a call to the ChatGPT API to get SQL Query. VAR GPTKEY = 'key' VAR Prompt = 'Write effective prompt' $.ajax({             url: 'https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions',             headers: {               'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + GPTKEY,               'Content-Type': 'application/json'             },             method: 'POST',             data: JSON.stringify({               model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',               messages: Prompt,               max_tokens: 100,               temperature: 0.5,               top_p: 1.0,               frequency_penalty: 0.0,               presence_penalty: 0.0             }),             success: function (response) {                   //Write code to store the Query into the variable            } });   Refer to the code snippet below for executing the query on Domo and retrieving the results. var domo = window.domo; var datasets = window.datasets; domo.post('/sql/v1/'+ 'dataset0', SQLQuery, {contentType: 'text/plain'}).then(function(data) {   //Write your Java or JQuery code to print data. });   The above code will accept the SQL queries generated by ChatGPT. It's important to highlight that, in the code, there is a hardcoded specification that every query will be applied to the dataset mapped as 'dataset0'. It's advisable to customize this part based on user selection. The code is designed to accept datasets with names such as 'dataset0', 'dataset1', and so forth. Ensure that any modifications align with the chosen dataset for optimal functionality, you can also use the domo.get method to get data for more information visit here. The outcome will be presented in JSON format, offering flexibility for further processing. You can seamlessly transfer this data to a table format and display or print it as needed.   Conclusion Incorporating a BI ChatBot in Domo revolutionizes data interaction, seamlessly translating natural language queries into actionable insights. The guide's step-by-step approach simplifies integration, offering both analysts and business professionals an intuitive and accessible data exploration experience. As datasets effortlessly respond to user inquiries, this transformative synergy between ChatGPT and Domo reshapes how we extract value from data, heralding a future of conversational and insightful business intelligence. Dive into this dynamic integration to propel your decision-making processes into a new era of efficiency and accessibility.

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