Tag - Soft-Skills

API Response Fix: Simple Solutions
Feb 03, 2024

Simplifying API Responses with AutoWrapper.Core in .NET Core. Handling API responses effectively is a crucial aspect of building robust and user-friendly applications. In .NET Core applications, the AutoWrapper.Core library comes to the rescue, providing a streamlined way to structure and standardize API responses. In this blog post, we'll explore how to use AutoWrapper.Core to create fixed responses for different status codes in your API. Firstly, you'll need to install the AutoWrapper.Core NuGet package. Add the following line to your project's .csproj file: <PackageReference Include="AutoWrapper.Core" Version="4.5.1" /> This package simplifies the process of handling API responses and ensures a consistent format for success, error, and data messages.   Example: Login Method Let's consider a common scenario, the login method, where we want to ensure fixed responses for both successful and unsuccessful attempts. [HttpPost("Login")] public async Task<ApiResponse> Login([FromBody] Login model) { var user = await _userService.GetUserByName(model.UserName); if (user != null && await _userService.CheckUserPassword(user, model.Password)) { var userResponse = await _tokenService.GenerateToken(user); return new ApiResponse(message: "Login Successfully.", result: userResponse, statusCode: 200); } return new ApiResponse(message: "Invalid Credential.", result: null, statusCode: 401); } In this example, we're using AutoWrapper.Core's ApiResponse class to encapsulate our responses. For a successful login attempt (status code 200), we return a positive message along with the user response. In case of invalid credentials (status code 401), an appropriate error message is provided. ApiResponse Class Now, let's take a closer look at the ApiResponse class from AutoWrapper.Core: namespace AutoWrapper.Wrappers; public class ApiResponse { public string Version { get; set; } [JsonProperty(DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore)] public int StatusCode { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } [JsonProperty(DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore)] public bool? IsError { get; set; } public object ResponseException { get; set; } public object Result { get; set; } [JsonConstructor] public ApiResponse(string message, object result = null, int statusCode = 200, string apiVersion = "") { StatusCode = statusCode; Message = message; Result = result; Version = apiVersion; } public ApiResponse(object result, int statusCode = 200) { StatusCode = statusCode; Result = result; } public ApiResponse(int statusCode, object apiError) { StatusCode = statusCode; ResponseException = apiError; IsError = true; } public ApiResponse() { } } The ApiResponse class provides flexibility in constructing responses with different components such as the message, result, and status code. It helps maintain a standardized format for all API responses. Create a Custom Wrapper: AutoWrapper allows you to create a custom wrapper by implementing the IApiResponse interface. You can create a class that implements this interface to customize the fixed response. Here's an example: Create a Custom Wrapper: AutoWrapper allows you to create a custom wrapper by implementing the IApiResponse interface. You can create a class that implements this interface to customize the fixed response. Here's an example: using AutoWrapper.Wrappers; public class CustomApiResponse<T> : ApiResponse<T> { public string CustomProperty { get; set; } public CustomApiResponse(T result, string customProperty) : base(result) { CustomProperty = customProperty; } } Configure AutoWrapper: In your Startup.cs file, configure AutoWrapper to use your custom wrapper. You can do this in the ConfigureServices method: services.AddAutoWrapper(config => { config.UseCustomSchema<CustomApiResponse<object>>(); }); Replace CustomApiResponse<object> with the custom wrapper class you created. Use Custom Wrapper in Controller Actions: Now, you can use your custom wrapper in your controller actions. For example: [ApiController] [Route("api/[controller]")] public class MyController : ControllerBase { [HttpGet] public IActionResult Get() { // Your logic here var data = new { Message = "Hello, World!" }; // Use the custom wrapper var response = new CustomApiResponse<object>(data, "CustomProperty"); return Ok(response); } } Customize the CustomApiResponse according to your needs, and use it in your controller actions. This way, you can integrate AutoWrapper with other packages and customize the fixed response format in your .NET application.   In conclusion, by incorporating AutoWrapper.Core into your .NET Core applications, you can simplify the handling of API responses, making your code more readable, maintainable, and user-friendly. Consider adopting this approach to enhance the overall developer experience and ensure consistency in your API communication.

Difference between Hard and Soft Skills
Mar 04, 2020

What Are Soft Skills? Soft Skills Definition: Soft skills are abilities not unique to any job. Are you a great communicator? Do you collaborate with others like Steve Rogers? Those are softer skills.   For example: Communication Skills Management Skills But—you can’t just say you’ve got them and expect the phone to jangle. Scroll down to find out how to pick the perfect ones for a resume, and how to prove them so employers drool a little.   What Are Hard Skills? Hard Skills are teachable abilities or skill sets that are easily measurable. We define hard skills as the technical abilities that fit the job. Normally, you can acquire hard skills in the classroom, in an online course, through books and other materials, or on the job.   If you’re in retail, that means closing cash drawers or restocking shelves. In tech? Your list of hard skills for resumes might have Java coding or network configuration.   Hard skills examples of accountants are asset management and account analysis. Hard professional skills for nurses are patient education and phlebotomy.   A prime example of hard skills for desk jockeys is computer skills. You’d think hard skills matter most. You’d be wrong. The truth is that the demand for soft skills has been growing since at least 1980.  Another study, by LinkedIn, actually suggests that 57% of employers value soft skills more than hard skills.   What’s the Difference Between Soft Skills vs Hard Skills? Hard skills are teachable and measurable abilities, such as writing, reading, math, or the ability to use computer programs. By contrast, soft skills are the traits that make you a good employee, such as etiquette, communication, and listening, getting along with other people.    Need more help? See these examples of hard skills and soft skills in the workplace:   Soft Skills Examples Interpersonal Skills Communication Collaboration Problem Solving Leadership   Hard Skills Examples Gathering Software Requirements Forklift Operation Marketing Skills Phlebotomy Financial Modeling Shelf Stocking

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