We have to add the below script in the master database to restore an encrypted database.
CREATE CERTIFICATE <your_certificate_name> FROM File = '<path of.cer file>'
WITH PRIVATE KEY (FILE = 'path of .pvk file',
DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '<your_password>');
Now you have to do follow the normal restore process in SQL.
If you want to have a list of constraints applied on a particular table in the SQL server, this will help you to get it in one go. DECLARE @TABLENAME VARCHAR(50) = '<table_name>' SELECT ObjectName ,TypeOfObject ,TypeOfConstraint ,ConstraintName ,ConstraintDescription FROM ( SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name] AS ObjectName ,CASE WHEN t.[type] = 'U' THEN 'Table' WHEN t.[type] = 'V' THEN 'View' END AS [TypeOfObject] ,CASE WHEN c.[type] = 'PK' THEN 'Primary key' WHEN c.[type] = 'UQ' THEN 'Unique constraint' WHEN i.[type] = 1 THEN 'Unique clustered index' WHEN i.type = 2 THEN 'Unique index' END AS TypeOfConstraint ,ISNULL(c.[name], i.[name]) AS ConstraintName ,SUBSTRING(column_names, 1, LEN(column_names) - 1) AS [ConstraintDescription] FROM sys.objects t LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.object_id = i.object_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.key_constraints c ON i.object_id = c.parent_object_id AND i.index_id = c.unique_index_id CROSS APPLY ( SELECT col.[name] + ', ' FROM sys.index_columns ic INNER JOIN sys.columns col ON ic.object_id = col.object_id AND ic.column_id = col.column_id WHERE ic.object_id = t.object_id AND ic.index_id = i.index_id ORDER BY col.column_id FOR XML path('') ) D(column_names) WHERE is_unique = 1 AND t.name = @TABLENAME AND t.is_ms_shipped <> 1 UNION ALL SELECT schema_name(fk_tab.schema_id) + '.' + fk_tab.name AS foreign_table ,'Table' ,'Foreign key' ,fk.name AS fk_ConstraintName ,cols.[name] + ' REFERENCES ' + schema_name(pk_tab.schema_id) + '.' + pk_tab.name + ' (' + c2.[name] + ')' FROM sys.foreign_keys fk INNER JOIN sys.tables fk_tab ON fk_tab.object_id = fk.parent_object_id INNER JOIN sys.tables pk_tab ON pk_tab.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id INNER JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns fk_cols ON fk_cols.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id INNER JOIN sys.columns cols ON cols.object_id = fk_cols.parent_object_id AND cols.column_id = fk_cols.parent_column_id INNER JOIN sys.columns c2 ON c2.object_id = fk_cols.referenced_object_id AND c2.column_id = fk_cols.referenced_column_id WHERE fk_tab.name = @TABLENAME OR pk_tab.name = @TABLENAME UNION ALL SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name] ,'Table' ,'Check constraint' ,con.[name] AS ConstraintName ,con.[definition] FROM sys.check_constraints con LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects t ON con.parent_object_id = t.object_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_columns col ON con.parent_column_id = col.column_id AND con.parent_object_id = col.object_id WHERE t.name = @TABLENAME UNION ALL SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name] ,'Table' ,'Default constraint' ,con.[name] ,col.[name] + ' = ' + con.[definition] FROM sys.default_constraints con LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects t ON con.parent_object_id = t.object_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_columns col ON con.parent_column_id = col.column_id AND con.parent_object_id = col.object_id WHERE t.name = @TABLENAME ) a ORDER BY ObjectName ,TypeOfConstraint ,ConstraintName Output: Enjoy.!
As in recent work with the client, I got the question of finding the indexes to be applied on a particular table in the SQL server. If you want to have listed all the indexes from a particular table from the SQL server, then now you just have to write your table name in the variable and execute the below query. And see the result. DECLARE @TABLENAME VARCHAR(50) = '<table_name>' SELECT '[' + s.name + '].[' + sObj.name + ']' AS 'TableName' ,+ ind.name AS 'IndexName' ,ind.type_desc AS 'IndexType' ,STUFF(( SELECT ', [' + sc.name + ']' AS "text()" FROM syscolumns AS sc INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON ic.object_id = sc.id AND ic.column_id = sc.colid WHERE sc.id = Obj.object_id AND ic.index_id = sind.indid AND ic.is_included_column = 0 ORDER BY key_ordinal FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 2, '') AS 'IndexedColumns' FROM sysindexes AS sind INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS ind ON ind.object_id = sind.id AND ind.index_id = sind.indid INNER JOIN sysobjects AS sObj ON sObj.id = sind.id INNER JOIN sys.objects AS Obj ON Obj.object_id = sObj.id AND is_ms_shipped = 0 INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON s.schema_id = Obj.schema_id WHERE ind.object_id = OBJECT_ID(@TABLENAME) AND ind.is_primary_key = 0 AND ind.is_unique = 0 AND ind.is_unique_constraint = 0 ORDER BY TableName ,IndexName; Output:
What is table partitioning in SQL? Table partitioning is a way to divide a large table into smaller, more manageable parts without having to create separate tables for each part. Data in a partitioned table is physically stored in groups of rows called partitions and each partition can be accessed and maintained separately. Partitioning is not visible to end-users, a partitioned table behaves like one logical table when queried. Data in a partitioned table is partitioned based on a single column, the partition column often called the partition key. Only one column can be used as the partition column, but it is possible to use a computed column. The partition scheme maps the logical partitions to physical filegroups. It is possible to map each partition to its own filegroup or all partitions to one filegroup.
I am a seasoned software professional with over 9 years of experience in .NET technologies and SQL. Currently, I am working as a Team Leader at MagnusMinds IT Solution, managing multiple projects in collaboration with my team.
My expertise includes .NET C#, ASP.NET MVC, .NET Core, RESTful API development, and SQL database management. With a strong technical foundation and leadership skills, I focus on delivering high-quality solutions while fostering teamwork and innovation within my projects.