Table partitioning in SQL

Jun 10, 2020

What is table partitioning in SQL?

Table partitioning is a way to divide a large table into smaller, more manageable parts without having to create separate tables for each part. Data in a partitioned table is physically stored in groups of rows called partitions and each partition can be accessed and maintained separately. Partitioning is not visible to end-users, a partitioned table behaves like one logical table when queried.

Data in a partitioned table is partitioned based on a single column, the partition column often called the partition key. Only one column can be used as the partition column, but it is possible to use a computed column.

The partition scheme maps the logical partitions to physical filegroups. It is possible to map each partition to its own filegroup or all partitions to one filegroup.

Nirav Desai

About the Author

Nirav Desai

I have 9+ experience in both .net and SQL. I am currently working as a Team Leader at MagnusMinds IT Solution. I have knowledge of .net c#, MVC, .net core, Restful API, and SQL as well. I am managing multiple projects with the help of my teammates.